Imperium #13

Writer: Joshua Dysart Artist: Khari Evans Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: February 17, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 8
8.9Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

ALL-NEW ARC! JUMP ON BOARD HERE! "STORMBREAK" is about to bombard the front lines of the Valiant Universe!

The world's most powerful team of mercenaries is on the defensive... as an elite international kill squad led by Livewire and H.A.R.D. Corp's Major Charlie Palmer descends to destroy Imperium's stronghold!

Toyo Harada will save the world...if he doesn't doom it first. The revolutionary disruption that Harada and his team have launched - by deposing tyrants, housing refugees, and feeding the poor - has come at the expense of the world's wealthiest nations. When the planet's leaders have had enough, it will be decided: To more

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Dylan Hicks Feb 17, 2016

    All in all, this is another amazing issue of Imperium. I have really come to expect nothing less than perfect from this series, and this team definitely delivered. Joshua did an amazing job writing. He emphatically hands out thought-provoking themes and haunting plots, while simultaneously not treating the reader like a halfwit. It is also great to see Khari back in action, and I cannot wait to see what else he has in store for this arc. And as per usual, Ulises did a great job highlighting Khari's art. Oh, and another shout out to Dave for a great job on the letters. Thank you for not cluttering the panels, it is appreciated. I highly suggest this book to anyone and everyone, along with the last 12 issues. It is not only worth the $4, but also the 15 minutes to read and 2 hours to ponder. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Amy Okamoto Feb 16, 2016

    Imperium #13 is building to a crescendo. It left us and Livewireon a high wire. Im looking forward to seeing who will be the man who crashes to Earth. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - Eric Ogar Baumgard Feb 15, 2016

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  • 8.8
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Feb 18, 2016

    Ulises Arreola's coloring work on this book is" interesting. I don't hate it, but there is a major difference between his work and Brian Reber's previous work on the title. Arreola's palette is less bright than Reber, almost to the point of dullness. Now, that isn't strictly speaking a bad thing for this book. I don't expect the color tone of "Unbeatable Squirrel Girl" here; "Imperium" is not a happy book. In some cases, it's a horror story. So having a less vibrant color scheme isn't bad but there is something still not clicking for me with it. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Feb 17, 2016

    Imperium #13 is a new start to a story following more people Harada effects with his mission to rule the world for the sake of peace. Things get personal, and if the previous arc taught us anything that is when things get nasty. The next issues should hopefully show us just how bad things can get for people who get in Harada's way, and aren't going to go down without a fight. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Bounding Into Comics - John F. Trent Feb 17, 2016

    Imperium #13 continues to excel with strong character moments, political intrigue, and power struggles. Dysart and Evans do a great of job of letting us get to know Livewire, but also setting the stage for the impending conflict and providing some big teasers concerning Harada. There were some issues with the dialogue and halfway through the story the plot takes a turn out of nowhere. Still, you won't want to miss this one. Read Full Review

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