Shadowman #4

Writer: Justin Jordan, Patrick Zircher Artist: Patrick Zircher Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: February 6, 2013 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
8.7Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

All hell breaks loose.

Shadowman and the monstrous Mr. Twist battle to the death! Everything is at stake for Jack, Dox, and Alyssa – and for the world as they know it – because if Twist succeeds, then Master Darque will walk the earth once more.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Feb 6, 2013

    SHADOWMAN delivers on every level. There's quite literally no legitimate reason why you shouldn't at least give it an honest chance. The script is solid, thecharactersare diverse and engaging, the visuals are astonishingly detailed, and the book is just downright fun. In my opinion, it's every bit as good as Valiant's other titles -- and as you likely know by now, I think the other titles are top-notch. So, Valiant, when are you making a Jaunty plushie? It could possibly be the creepiest/most adorable thing ever! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - JohnP Feb 8, 2013

    In short, if you aren't reading this book, you should really check it out. Any fan of Justin Jordan's work...pick this book up ASAP. It is becoming my favorite thing he has done. At just 4 issues in it is a bit too soon to call, but I see this clearly surpassing Luther Strode. Really any fan of dark, vigilante heroes from Batman to Spawn will love this and any fans of the Dark line from DC need to add this to their pull right away. It's hard to standout when you're surrounded with great titles at Valiant, but Jordan and Zircher are at the top of the heap. The highest praise I could give is that I read this before even cracking open Harbinger or the Rotworld finale, and that is the truth. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Feb 6, 2013

    I cannot stress enough how amazing this book looks. It's heavy, filled with shadow (weird, I know) and some of the best character work you'll find anywhere. There are so many epic panels; so many gorgeous moments. Zircher just draws the hell out of every page. Enhancing this whole thing is the color art provided by Brain Reber. It's absolutely incredible. It's amazing how such a dark and sinister book can look so bright. It almost glows. When it comes down to it, Shadowman is the prettiest belle at the ball. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Kenneth Bowden Feb 6, 2013

    As far as the writing and the art in this issue goes I can keep that short and sweet, as I said before in my last review both are stellar. They represent all the various themes: comedy, the occult, the bayou vibe, etc, very, very well without making a joke out of it or taking itself way too seriously. By #4 I think it’s safe to say Justin Jordan and Patrick Zircher have definitely hit their stride and they know what they are doing with this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Brandon Dingess Feb 12, 2013

    I missed out on Valiant the first time around""for me, the Clinton years began and ended with Spider-Man and X-Men""but since then I've read a little of the pre-Acclaim era and it was enough to pique my interest when the line was resurrected last year. Before this issue I was totally ignorant of "Shadowman," but I'm not yet a total convert to the fandom. The overall strength of the art and quality of the writing, though, is enough to ensure I check this out a few more times before passing judgment. Read Full Review

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