Heavy #4

Writer: Max Bemis Artist: Eryk Donovan Publisher: Vault Comics Release Date: January 13, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
9.1Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

You know that feeling when a multiversal army attacks you on the front lawn of the White House and forces you to decide whether or not to nuke an entire dimension? No? Never happened to you? Well, it's happening to Bill in Heavy #4. To be honest, though, we really just want to know if Bill and his life-long-arch-nemesis-turned-partner, Slim, resolve their sexual tension...or just end up shooting each other in the face with bazookas.

  • 10
    Caffeinated Critique - James Stone Jan 12, 2021

    I voted Heavy as my favourite comic from 2020 and it hasn't let me down with the first issue of 2021. Possibly the funniest issue so far with also some of the biggest shifts in tone and direction. Heavy is a graphic comic series with great characters, dazzling art and brings something new to every issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Nathan Simmons Jan 14, 2021

    In the strongest issue so far, 'Heavy' #4 delights in upending everything readers thought they knew about the series. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 14, 2021

    Heavy continues to be a really fun series, though not the one I thought it was going to be or could be based on what it opened with. The twist that we get in here is interesting and I like how it places things in a new dynamic with the core group going forward, while still dealing with the main threat that they're facing and all the new ones. It's a good entry that gets you to revisit the earlier issues to see if you missed what was coming beforehand. The artwork continues to be strong as I like seeing how many different versions of Moore that Donovan can put out there. Read Full Review

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