From the bestselling novel series by renowned author NISIOISIN, comes the manga adaptation of the Monogatari series, with artwork by Oh! great! One day, high-school student Koyomi Araragi catches a girl named Hitagi Senjougahara when she trips and falls. But the girl, much to his surprise, doesn't weigh anything! At all. She says an encounter with a so-called "crab" took away all her weight... Monsters have been here since the beginning. Always. Everywhere...
Overall Bakemonogatari Volume 1 proves a successful adaptation of a beloved franchise. Newcomers and existing fans alike will enjoy diving into the world of Monogatari and meeting the delightful cast of characters. If you're yet to experience this series in any form then this is the perfect time to climb aboard! Read Full Review
As a first volume goes this manga offers a variety of interesting ideas about monsters, gods, and how they manipulate humanity. The idea that monsters live among us but are invisible is an interesting concept to explore further, but the delivery is unreliable and confused making the already awkward Hitagi even harder to understand. Read Full Review
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