Astro City #2

Writer: Kurt Busiek Artist: Brent Anderson Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: July 10, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6
8.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

When the Honor Guard charges into battle, theyre not alone. Theyre backed by a crack support staff, from researchers to threat assessment teams to hotline switchboard clerks. And when one young woman gets the job offer of a lifetime, it opens the way to a world of wonder, of possibilitiesand possibly, the greatest mistake of her life. The return of the acclaimed series continues, with a closeup look at the humans behind the super humans.

  • 10
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jul 15, 2013

    Presented completely from Marella's point of view, we get her initial awe at her new job, the driven nature and yearning to get that one call to help save the world, and finally the acceptance and understanding of her small role in the larger picture. Without doubt, Astro City #2 is one of the best comics I've read this year. Best of the week. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 16, 2013

    Nobody does it better than the Astro City team, and this issue is why. Debuting an interesting new hero (The Wolf-Spider, seen on the cover, gets a page or two inside, making me want to know what his deal is), taking an unexpected tack on the tropes of the nearly century-old superhero game, and making us CARE about Madella's life turn this issue into a treat, a filet mignon among the bologna sandwich crossover schmaggegis we've all grown tired of. Astro City #2 is the real deal, turning answering phone calls into effective and moving drama, while not skimping on the action and cool art Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 10, 2013

    Brent Anderson expertly captures this blend of the mundane and the superheroic. He shows a strong sense of design as he renders the sci-fi-flavored workplace of the ECL, but the focus is generally on more basic elements like facial work and emotion as Marella explores her new world. At times the script is a slice-of-life drama, and others a superhero slug-fest, and Anderson is equally adept with either. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jul 13, 2013

    Busiek continues to prove the master of finding the universal elements in extraordinary circumstances, and at the rate of Anderson's artistic evolution, we'll have a near-perfect series before long. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Jen 'Miss J' Aprahamian Jul 10, 2013

    ASTRO CITY #1 was fun. This issue takes it to the next level. It's a little bit unexpected that an issue about a team of support analysts at a call center could be more exciting than one about the Honor Guard or the mysterious (crazy? not crazy?) Broken Man, but unexpected isn't always a bad thing. Forget the road signs telling me that I'm leaving; I'm sticking around in Astro City, with all of its supers and humans, to see where Busiek and Anderson are going to take me. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jul 13, 2013

    This issue on its own was fine. Marella is a fun enough protagonist, but the story was really kind of basic throughout most of the issue. It's just about a woman getting a new job, meeting her co-workers, dealing with her boss and basically just working her job. That she gets to meet superheroes on occasion is fun, but the issue is still kind of uneventful. It may be an awesome job, and it may be a fascinating corner of Astro City, but it's still just about a woman working at her job. The cliffhanger promises a bigger story next issue, and I do legitimately feel bad for Marella on this one. Busiek succeeds at making her believable and likable. Read Full Review

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