What is it with the Snow Queen and her love of/addiction to stories? And how does that little blue bottle imp plan to take advantage of her weakness? Can he really spin a tale so compelling that the evil queen of ice and sorrow will willingly let them all go in peace? Lets find out as we hear the rest of Sleeping Beautys tale, and learn how Ali Baba ended up stranded in this bleak and snowy world.
Everything from the way that Willingham combines Grimm Fairy Tales with his own unique story, to Jimenez's stunning interiors, to Adam Hughes' breathtaking cover -- all these things make this a brilliant issue. The way that Willingham is able to take these classic characters and utilize them to create a new, interesting and edge of your seat story is amazing. This is definitely not a good jumping on point for new readers; I would recommend starting with the first issue of FAIREST to get the most out of the series and this issue. Read Full Review
The strongest outing yet from this series, one convincing me it deserves a life of its own. It was touch-and-go for a while there, but this issue makes you feel it has something special to offer. Read Full Review
Despite those mild caveats, Fairest #4 is a well-crafted tale. It does a good job of bringing the staggered streams of narrative together so that the story can progress smoothly from here, and it's an absolute delight to look at. If you're thinking of testing the waters for this series, now's the time to do it because this issue is at the rollercoaster's final pause before that first wild drop. Read Full Review
Although we'll have to wait a month until next month's conclusion, all the groundwork has been laid, including the suggestion of with whom our hero will find true happiness. Worth a look. Read Full Review