We want this third issue to be really big, so let's have Briar Rose and Ali Baba captured by the Snow Queen! And let's throw in seven good fairy godmothers and one really, really bad one. Let's have dire curses and desperate fights and comic asides. Let's show the consequences of attempting a second uninvited kiss. Basically let's have everything in this but the kitchen sink. No, wait let's throw the kitchen sink in too!
Fairest#3 is giving the main Fables title a run for its money as the best, most consistent title on the stands every month, hitting a home-run for 5 out of 5 stars overall. If you're looking for an entertaining read, look no further. If you want an alternative to superheroes, here's your alternative. If you want to see art so good it should be fattening, pig out" What else can I say? Read Full Review
There are a couple of small, but fun, touches as we learn magical blessings can have quite literal translations in the real world (and the reason why Briar Rose never sang for her 60′s girl band). With strong art by Phil Jimenez and another cool cover by Adam Hughes, this tale of Sleeping Beauty is definitely worth a look. Read Full Review
A much stronger effort than the last two issues, particularly since you can feel the story's finally going somewhere worth your time. Read Full Review