Scalped #11

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: R. M. Guera Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: November 7, 2007 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
9.1Critic Rating
9.8User Rating

Witness the final days of Gina Bad Horse in the dramatic finale of the 6-part "Casino Boogie." In a maximum-security prison in Kansas, trying to comfort an innocent man convicted of double murder, Gina realizes that the darkest of her secrets must now see the light.

  • 9.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 7, 2007

    If I have any complaints about this issue, it's that the last few pages are a bit too vague. Gina comes to some sort of a realization, but we're left with little information as to her actions and where the series will move forward from here. I don't usually complain about R.M. Guera's art, but I had difficulty in one or two cases discerning the identity of certain figures. These quibbles aside, I'm currently loving Scalped, and I can't wait to see what Aaron has in store for his second year on the book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Murray Nov 19, 2007

    This continues to be one of my favorite comics to read month in and month out, as each issue is consistently engrossing. Now, with the events of this issue clearly in readers minds, the future looks very bright for this series, so long as it can stave off cancellation due to the low sales. Next months a stand-alone about Dash, so if you havent read this series yet, December is the right time! Read Full Review

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