The murder mystery heats up when Dash Bad Horse finds himself between a rock and a hard place after learning the shocking secret behind the suspect he's been chasing. Plus, Chief Red Crow greets a most unwelcome visitor. "Dead Mothers" Part 2 of 5.
There's a lot of frustration in the air, and it's not just affecting Bad Horse. Each character portrayed in this issue is doing some kind of grieving and it all ends with (at last) the appearance of a character we've been waiting a long time for. This book is back to full steam and I'm loving every minute of it. Read Full Review
I don't think enough praise is poured on artist R.M. Guera, so I'm going to commence with the pouring. Guera is among the best of a breed of vertigo artists who specialize in dark, gritty, and violent imagery. Like the similarly-named Pia Guerra in Y: the Last Man, this Guera excels in bringing each character to life. I picture a real-life Dash exactly as he appears in the comic, just as I always picture Yorick Brown exactly as Pia Guerra draws him. Let's hope the collaboration between Aaron and Guera persists just as long. If I can sit down to read Scalped #60 in four years, I might just die a happy comic fan. Read Full Review
Of course, all of this still leaves the question, who murder Gina Bad Horse? In a previous review, it was speculated that it was Mr. Brass. However, in the last pages, it's revealed that he just came into town. With Red Crow, this clears all of the obvious suspects. So, who killed Gina Bad Horse? Read Full Review