A stand-alone issue focusing on tribal policeman Franklin Falls Down. After years spent being the one good cop on a dirty rez, Falls Down is considering retirement. But for a man who knows everything there is to know about policing in Indian Country, there's one thing he's never learned how to do, and that's "let go."
Davide Furno replaces R.M. Guera this month. I think it's safe to say some readers won't even notice the difference. The two artists share similar styles - dark, gritty, and muted. The main difference is that Furno lends a bit more of a loose, sketchy feel to his work. This issue won't dispel the idea that most Vertigo comics look alike, but at least it gets the job done. Read Full Review
Scalped has become a hard book to review each month. My job is to point out flaws and discrepancies in others work but with Scalped, Jason Aaron has created such an air-tight package that I find myself with less and less to say because the book is so good. Its a kick-ass, no bullshit affair and if you can handle a jolt of that in your funny books, then you will be right on the reservation with this book. See what I did there? Read Full Review