Scalped #34

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: R. M. Guera Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: February 3, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
9.3Critic Rating
10User Rating

"The Gnawing" reaches its gut-wrenching conclusion, and you'd best believe there will be blood. But whose? The Hmong gangsters who've stormed the rez ready for war? Chief Red Crow, who's backed himself into the deadliest of corners? Officer Falls Down, who's hot on the trail of a killer? Or Dashiell Bad Horse, whose life will be forever changed no matter what happens?

  • 10
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Feb 6, 2010

    The finale of this arc is reminiscent of the baptism scene from the Godfather. Power is taken and consolidated in a bloody fashion and characters go down paths that they can't return from. This comic is the culmination of a terrific arc and should not be missed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Feb 5, 2010

    "The Gnawing" was promised a game-changer of a story and, with this week's conclusion, it was proven as such. Both Jason Aaron and R. M. Gura delivered their best in this issue by showing just how far Dash and Red Crow will go to save themselves, solving their immediate problems by creating new ones that will have to be dealt with in the future. "Scalped" remains a shocking, gripping comic and the best Vertigo book currently being published. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 3, 2010

    All in all, this is easily one of the most violent and chaotic issues of the series so far. There are deaths, and none of them are pretty. Significant changes are made to the lives of multiple characters. Towards the end of the issue I actually worried Aaron might avoid instituting many changes. For a time it seems lie everything wraps up a little too easily and neatly. But by the end it became clear I had no reason to worry. The series isn't close to being finished yet, but that doesn't mean the characters can't progress forward, for good or ill. Scalped #34 might have taken longer than usual to reach us, but Aaron and R.M. Guera didn't miss a beat. As always, I can't wait for the next chapter in this engrossing saga to unfold. Read Full Review

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