Scalped #39

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: R. M. Guera Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: July 7, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
9.2Critic Rating
10User Rating

Still reeling from the shocking ending of "The Gnawing," Carol has a choice to make: Should she keep her baby? The bold new arc "Unwanted" begins here, offering an unflinching look at the results of unwelcome surprises in the world of SCALPED.

  • 10
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jul 10, 2010

    This series provides plenty of violence and blood. Occasionally there are issues that stay in the more narrative or set up approach. This issue manages to build up the backgrounds on two major characters and give an origin for a third, newer character, all while telling a very entertaining and griping story. This issue displays this series at its very best. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 8, 2010

    I'm used to Jason Aaron taking a short break between story arcs of Scalped to focus on smaller characters and conflicts. The most recent break was longer than normal, with four issues taking us away from the plight of Dash Bad Horse, Chief Red Crow, and the rest of the main cast. That time away was well spent, however, and readers are able to jump back into the thick of things a little wiser and more seasoned in Aaron's world. Don't expect Dash to hog the spotlight even with his recent victory. Aaron instead focuses on his female cast, with Carol struggling to come to grips with her pregnancy and Granny Poor Bear stepping onto a wider stage. As always, there's plenty of excellent character exploration at play. It's hard to lament Dash's minimal presence when each and every character in the series feels so well-realized and full of their own unique hardships. R.M. Guera makes a welcome return to the book, offering just the write mixture of blood, grit, and sleaze to complement Aaron's w Read Full Review

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