Scalped #47

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: R. M. Guera Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: March 30, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
7.7Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

"Running to Stand Still" continues with a state of total upheaval on The Rez. Plus, love is in the air for Dino Poor Bear. But love, as we know, can make men do the strangest things...

  • 8.0
    IGN - Erik Norris Mar 30, 2011

    You know what? I might just start writing the same review for every issue of Scalped. "Scalped -- it's still good." That's pretty much all there is to it. There isn't a single issue that ever disappoints me. Even in the case of this month's installment, it might not move things forward by leaps and bounds, but I can't say that I'm not entertained by learning more about the ensemble cast of the Prairie Rose Reservation. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fanboy Buzz - DustinRiccio Apr 7, 2011

    This is the 47th issue and by this point writer Jason Aaron and artist R.M. Guera have this stuff down to a science. Their work on this title is very solid and very consistent (as I alluded to earlier, it does occasionally veer too far into schlock but nobodys perfect) and this issue is no exception. If you arent reading Scalped yet, well, this is as good a point as any to jump on board. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Apr 3, 2011

    Another really good issue of Scalped that again shines a light on the depressing lives of some of these characters we've grown to love. Not the best issue-to-issue story flow, but at least we have Carol back into the mix. Read Full Review

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