Welcome to Showside #4

Writer: Ian McGinty, Samantha Knapp Artist: Ian McGinty Publisher: Z2 Comics Release Date: April 13, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Uh oh! Kit and Belle convince a reluctant Moon to use the new dating app, FLUTTER, to find a like-minded S.O. Meanwhile, Frank the Lesser Demon becomes fed up with his office job in the Nexus and decides to steal the Teenomicon in order to brainwash the citizens of Showside. Powerless, Kit, Moon, and Belle must reclaim Belle's parents' mansion, Chateau Stone, from the nerdy demon and save their friends along the way!

  • 9.0
    PopOptiq - Logan Dalton May 2, 2016

    Welcome to Showside #4 continues to be both hilarious and suspenseful as Ian McGinty and Samantha Knapp make fun of Tinder and the emotional power of Gerard Way's old band on tiny blue creatures while giving Kit and his friends a villain that is both powerful, entertaining, and certainly not monosyllabic in Frank. (Be sure to read his parts in your best Henry Rollins voice.) Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Apr 25, 2016

    Frank's mission comes into direct conflict with our lead protagonists " as it must " but instead of going through the motions Welcome to Showside #4 perfects the thrill of the chase, crafting stakes that make its cliffhanger ending all the more maddening. (McGinty!!!) You want adventure? You want excitement? You want waffle tacos? You need Welcome to Showside. Read Full Review

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