Belle: Beast Hunter #3

Writer: Dave Franchini Artist: Bong Dazo Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Release Date: April 18, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
9.6Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

It seems that Belle is finally catching a break, or is she? With her world shattered and after nearly escaping two consecutive attacks on her life she awakens in an unfamiliar place surrounded by unfamiliar people. Are her new companions, allies or part of a larger game being played with our heroine? Another part of the mystery of these attacks is revealed in this can't miss issue!

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Richard Gutierrez Apr 18, 2018

    As we breath a collective sigh of relief to see Belle: Beast Hunter round a challenging corner, at the same time, the transformation is not without its flaws. While the narrative is hesitant to address Candlestick's death, what compassion is addressed by Belle is quickly tossed aside once her attention is taken away by something more interesting. You would think she would mourn someone more which she considered a father figure, perhaps it is her combat training which holds in her emotions, but either way, it is rather cold. Then on the visual side, the readers' interest is almost lost with an initial monochrome display, but luckily it was salvaged once the action kicks in once again. All in all this issue is not without its hiccups, but as we once again forge into the fray, I hope we can return to the sentimentality once the journey comes to an end. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes May 28, 2018

    Some serious monster battling in this issue as Belle fights an underwater foe on her own turf. Fun story with plenty of action and wonderfully detailed art makes this a winner. Belle continues to be one of Zenescope's better new characters and titles. Read Full Review

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