Cinderella: Serial Killer Princess #4
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Cinderella: Serial Killer Princess #4

Writer: Patrick Shand, Joe Brusha Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Release Date: April 12, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
7.7Critic Rating
8.0User Rating


This is it! What the entire series has been building to. The final confrontation between Cinderella and Robyn Hood has arrived and only one will walk away from this battle alive.

Be sure to pick up this can't miss finale to one of Zenescope's most twisted stories, as the future of the Grimm Universe is up for grabs in this action packed, revenge driven, Cinderella focused Fairy Tale massacre.  

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Richard Gutierrez Apr 12, 2017

    Cinderella Serial Killer Princess is a great romp into fun filled dementia, even if you know Zenescope would never allow such catastrophe to happen, which is what makes the wild unfettered possibility of this series such a gratifying success. Cindy never takes herself seriously, always flinging insults or whining when things don't go her way, and this title takes that same comically deranged position. You never knew what would come next, aside from the fact that someone, or several someones, would die and of course, we expected nothing too serious by that same proposition. But if you allow the bloody goodness to wash over you with Cindy's same attitude, this is an enjoyable ride through a preposterously unhinged individual. It may be a nice place to stay, but be sure you don't miss your check-out from Cindy's Carnival of Carnage " or you may never get out! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Apr 18, 2017

    Cindy's murderous spree comes to a close with a surprise and newfound motivation. Sure to please fans of the psychopathic princess. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Apr 14, 2017

    If you have followed this series, even buying just one cover per issue, it would cost you $16.96 for an ending that as mentioned may well leave you feeling like you wasted your time and money. This story would have been better served as a one shot which would have cut down the repetition of certain elements and still allow the story, such as it is, to unfold. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Apr 15, 2017

    Cinderella: Serial Killer Princess is a fun, gore-filled romp through the Zenescope Universe. It cements the title character as the publisher's version of Deadpool, quick with a blade and a lame joke. If you've ever wanted to see some of your favorite Zenescope characters horrifically murdered without any consequences or affecting any real story, now is your chance. Read Full Review

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