Grimm Fairy Tales: Apocalypse #3

Writer: Patrick Shand Artist: JG Miranda Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Release Date: October 26, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
9.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The casts of Zenescope's flagship series - Grimm Fairy Tales, Robyn Hood, and Hellchild - unite for an event to end all comic book events... the apocalypse.
As one of their own struggles to stay alive after their clash with the Horsemen, the divided heroes find themselves again at odds as they move toward their final battle. Meanwhile, the witch hunt for the mysterious bearer of the Dark Light continues, leading former friends to a showdown in the crumbling center of the Earth.

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Richard Gutierrez Oct 26, 2016

    While I may not like how the relationships are being tested within this series, the events which have caused their apparent demise may also be serving as a test. Every action we take defines us, it either strengthens or weakens us in the definition of what we call life. And it is within this limited time that those choices are plunged within a crucible, to burn away the refuse which hides the purest heart of the individual. If it is strong enough to endure the flames which measures us, then the person has been refined into a more stable core, capable of overcoming anything. Let us just hope that our heroes will rise above the dross to become people which we can admire ever more so than before. Read Full Review

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