Justice League Dark Vol. 1: In The Dark
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Justice League Dark Vol. 1: In The Dark

Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Mikel Janin Publisher: DC Comics Trade Paperback: October 10, 2012, $14.99 Issues: 6, Issue Reviews: 112
7.4Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The Enchantress has unleashed a wave of chaos across the globe! Shade the Changing Man, Madame Xanadu, Deadman, Zatanna, Mindwarp and John Constantine may be our only hope but how can we trust beings whose very presence makes most people break out in a cold sweat? Collecting JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #1-6!

  • 6.5
    Criminology. Sep 25, 2021

    This volume in particular is pretty messy and the pacing is also quite weird, but honestly it compensates with it's atmosphere and aesthetic. It's well known that Milligan has a thing for the weird and the surreal and he definitely conveys that here, so in a way the messiness of the book, helps the surreal and twisted vibe, he is going for. Janin and the art team in general help with that too btw, but honestly Janin's art is always a hit or miss for me. Also there are interesting ideas thrown here and there, but in the end it feels like both too much and at the same time not enough. Don't get me wrong, there are things to delve here, there are some nice explorations and introduces you to the characters in a decent manner, but in the end, it kinda falls short because of it's own ambitions. The story definitely needed more time, better execution and more planning. In the end I appreciate Milligan's run and the things he tried, but personally, I consider Milligan's run to be the worst of all the JLD runs to date.

  • 8.5
    jandals042 Feb 10, 2022

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