Heroes Reborn: America's Mightiest Heroes
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Heroes Reborn: America's Mightiest Heroes

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Ed McGuinness, more Publisher: Marvel Comics Trade Paperback: August 18, 2021, $34.99 Issues: 8, Issue Reviews: 391
7.5Critic Rating
3.0User Rating

A world without Avengers! Tony Stark never built an Iron Man armor. Thor is a hard-drinking atheist who despises hammers. Wakanda is dismissed as a myth. Captain America was never found in the ice - because there were no Avengers to find him. Instead, this planet has always been protected by Earth's Mightiest Heroes: the Squadron Supreme of America! Now Hyperion, Blur, Doctor Spectrum, Power Princess and Nighthawk face an attack from some of their fiercest enemies - including Dr. Juggernaut, the Black Skull, the Silver Witch, the Goblin and Thanos with his Infinity Rings. But why is Blade the vampire hunter the one man alive who seems to reme more

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