Superior Vol. 1
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Superior Vol. 1

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Leinil Francis Yu Publisher: Marvel Icon Trade Paperback: March 17, 2013, $19.99 Issues: 7, Issue Reviews: 46
7.6Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Simon Pooni was a normal kid with a great life, until multiple sclerosis hit. He lost the ability to walk, went blind in one eye and sometimes could barely speak. Every night, Simon would pray that his disease would somehow go away. “Somehow” turned out to be a magic monkey named Orman, who granted Simon one wish. And the 12-year-old boy stood transformed into a real-life version of legendary comic-book hero Superior! Simon spent one glorious week saving those in need, averting natural disasters — becoming the most beloved man on the planet. But Orman ominously cautioned Simon that all would be explained in one week. Will Simon be force more

Rating Collected Issues Reviews
Superior #1 7
Superior #2 3
Superior #3 2
Superior #4 4
Superior #5 4
Superior #6 2
Superior #7 3
  • 8.0
    AleSiryus Nov 10, 2016

    Italia - Millar si conferma un vero portento in quanto a serie brevi. I disegni di Leinil Yu aiutano lo scrittore a creare questa breve ma intesa storia, pregna di significato e valore. Lettura piacevole e riflessiva, a tratti anche divertente, nonostante vengano trattati argomenti particolari

  • 7.5
    ed1138 Nov 19, 2022

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