Benjearlene's Profile

Joined: Mar 16, 2023

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Benjearlene reviewed X-Men #4 Mar 16, 2023

Go Jean!

X-Men #4

By: Gerry Duggan, Javier Pina
Released: Oct 13, 2021

It's Halloween and the X-Men have to face a horror born of a neighboring town in Westchester... the Headless HORSEMAN?! And that's not the only terror targeting them...


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Benjearlene rated Flash #794 Mar 16, 2023

Flash #794

By: Jeremy Adams, Roger Cruz
Released: Mar 8, 2023

The Fraction is moments away from victory, but they forgot about one thing…an almost-10-year-old with red hair and the power to turn things around. Finally, Irey West has found her new superhero name, and she intends to use it while saving the Flash Family from certain doom!

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Static: Shadows of Dakota #2

By: Nikolas Draper-Ivey
Released: Mar 8, 2023

As if vigilantes hunting down Bang Babies in the streets weren’t enough, Virgil learns that his young friend Quincy is manifesting powers-making him their next target! Meanwhile, down in the shadows, Ebon is investigating a connection between the vigilantes and the disappearance of his brother, Rubberband Man!

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Benjearlene rated Bishop: War College #2 Mar 16, 2023

Bishop: War College #2

By: J Holtham, Duarte
Released: Mar 15, 2023

BISHOP FACES OFF AGAINST...THE X-MEN? What's a Bishop story without time travel? Shunted to a strange future, Lucas discovers familiar faces who will permanently alter his worldview. Meanwhile his students are in danger, and not just of failing his course. Helped by shocking allies, the anti-mutant organization Orchis has finally found a way onto K...

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Benjearlene rated Immoral X-Men #2 Mar 16, 2023

Immoral X-Men #2

By: Kieron Gillen, Andrea Di Vito
Released: Mar 15, 2023

PUTTING THE "DIE" IN DIAMOND AGE! Hail the Pax Krakoa! Or perish! But to this hell age is born a hero. Say hello (again) to Rasputin IV...but what can one good chimera do in a universe of sin? The first century of Sinister's plan has come to an end?and whether it's better or worse may depend on the symbol on your forehead.
Rated T+

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New Mutants Lethal Legion #1

By: Charlie Jane Anders, Enid Balam
Released: Mar 8, 2023

THE NEW, NEW MUTANTS - WITH ALL THE CLASSIC THRILLS! Best-selling, multiple-award-winning, generally bedazzling writer Charlie Jane Anders launches a fresh take on the beloved team, with rising star Enid Bal?m behind the illustrious pencils! The Shadow King. U-Men. Demon Bear. Themselves. The New Mutants have faced some of the most cunning minds in...

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Benjearlene reviewed Wolverine #31 Mar 16, 2023

Apparently there are no more X-villains besides ORCHIS and Moira, so I guess there is a new one. . .

Wolverine #31

By: Ben Percy, Juan Jose Ryp
Released: Mar 15, 2023

BEAST will stop at nothing to protect KRAKOA as he sees fit. Having lost the faith of X-FORCE and WOLVERINE, there's only one mutant McCOY can turn to - himself! Join BEAST, BEAST, BEAST and BEAST, under the leadership of BEAST, into the new Krakoan era! WEAPONS OF X begins here!
Parental Advisory

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