Jasmerrin's Profile

Joined: May 22, 2023

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Jasmerrin reviewed Damage Control #5 May 22, 2023

A satisfying conclusion to the series as the book's central message comes into focus: nepotism is a bigger danger than any form of cosmic supervillainy. A really fun satire of superhero worlds and of workplace shenanigans. Will definitely read it again - I hope we see Gus and the Damage Control gang again soon!

Damage Control #5

By: Adam F. Goldberg, Nathan Stockman
Released: Dec 7, 2022

This is it... This is Gus's absolute last, last chance to find a place to fit in at Damage Control. Unfortunately, the only remaining department that will have him is the Deep Storage Vault - where he is tasked with cataloging the contents of all the endless rows of crates and containers. Seems like it should be fairly low-risk. However, this is Gu...

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Jasmerrin reviewed Damage Control #4 May 22, 2023

The romp through the Marvel Universe continues! In Issue #4 the clear message of the book becomes clear: the true supervillainy is crushing workplace mediocrity and the dangers of nepotism! The book continues in fun directions as we get a who's who of Marvel supervillain guest stars.

Damage Control #4

By: Adam F. Goldberg, Nathan Stockman
Released: Nov 9, 2022

It's been a tough first week for Gus at Damage Control. On Monday, he nearly caused a catastrophic Skrull attack. On Tuesday, he smushed a family who had been shrunk by Pym Particles, and on Wednesday, he turned himself into a monstrous guinea pig Kaiju. That's why Gus has been banished down to research and development to assist Eugene Strausser. B...

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Jasmerrin reviewed Damage Control #3 May 22, 2023

Trentonn the Terrible is one of the funniest monsters I've seen in a comic and is an instant favorite in my book! Though Gus may be the greatest villain of all. Love the Jersey jokes (as a New Yorker). Anyone looking for a laugh should definitely pick up Damage Control #3!

Damage Control #3

By: Adam F. Goldberg, Will Robson
Released: Nov 2, 2022

After two disastrous days of office mayhem, Head Intern Bart Rozum decides that he has to find Gus a job outside of the Flatiron Building - so he assigns Gus to the Search and Rescue unit. Bart thinks, if Gus is mostly responding to the scenes of superhuman battles after the fact, how much trouble could he really get in to? Unfortunately, on Gus' f...

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Jasmerrin reviewed Damage Control #2 May 22, 2023

The book continues to be a really fun/funny romp through the Marvel Universe/Corporate Ladder! Really fun how each issue pairs a different boring office job with a different cast of Marvel mainstays!

Damage Control #2

By: Adam F. Goldberg, Will Robson
Released: Sep 28, 2022

After he nearly caused a Skrull attack in our last issue, the management at Damage Control has wisely chosen to try and place Gus in a less volatile position. How much harm can Gus do in the Consumer Affairs office, listening to complaints and grievances? Actually, the answer is a lot. When things get out...

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Jasmerrin reviewed Damage Control #1 May 22, 2023

Really fun return to the world of Damage Control - where even the smallest misplaced memo can have universe ending consequences! The art is colorful and fun, and the writing works as a satire on both office culture and the Marvel universe. The concept itself is simple, but that's why it works so well: what if all the most tedious parts of office work really had life and death stakes? It's a fun bo more

Damage Control #1

By: Adam F. Goldberg, Jay P. Fosgitt
Released: Aug 24, 2022

Marvel's Unsung Heroes finally get sung! After the mega-powered battles and Hulk-level catastrophes, Damage Control is always there to clean up the mess and get things back to normal. But Damage Control is much more than just a glorified cleanup crew, and this new series will pull back the curtain and rev...

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