Comics Meanderings by Carl Li 's Profile

Location: Astoria, NY Joined: Oct 05, 2015

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When I first starting reading this issue I was a little confused. I thought maybe I had missed an issue because it started with a character I couldn’t remember if they had introduced previously. BUT, I continued to read anyway, cause it was still good, despite being slightly confused. I knew enough to know that somehow, this guy, Agent Wessel was somehow the Martian Manhunter. more

Martian Manhunter #3

By: Rob Williams, Eddy Barrows
Released: Aug 19, 2015

The Martian invasion of Earth cannot be completed without Jonn Jonzz, and that prompts the heroic Manhunter to make the ultimate sacrifice. R.I.P.

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They said Justice League was going to be THE book that will be the the heart and life blood of the DCU. This is THE DC flagship book! Everything in this book effects and shapes the future if the DCU.

In this book we explore the secret history of the Anti-Monitor, his connection to the creation of this universe, the anti-matter universe, and the Anti-Life Equation. Huge stu more

Justice League #44

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Sep 30, 2015

Darkseid versus Anti-Monitor! A corrupted Superman versus Lex Luthor! Myrina Black versus Grail! This chapter of "Darkseid War" has it allplus an ending that will change the League forever!

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We’re at the second to last issue now of this story arc. It doesn’t seem to be ramping up for me at all. Ok, they add Superman, and Deathstroke fights him. That sounds very interesting right? Ok, well, I thought the fight was worth mentioning as interesting, but not much else.

Just an observation, and nitpick: There are some panels showing Superman’s hands, like more

Deathstroke #9

By: James Bonny, Sandu Florea
Released: Aug 26, 2015

Godkiller continues as Superman enters the fray on Paradise Island. Its Man of Steel vs. the ultimate assassin!

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My favorite thing about this issue was the connection to the Greek Gods and the world of Wonder Woman that Azzarello molded. I liked that we finally learn about his new look and where it came from. Poseidon! Very cool.

The art was a little spotty for me but it wasn’t bad. It’s interesting that it’s both Trevor McCarthy and Jesus Merino. They seemed to blend well. more

Aquaman #43

By: Cullen Bunn, Trevor McCarthy
Released: Aug 26, 2015

Since his exile from Atlantis, Aquaman has been exhibiting strange new powers. Now learn the secret of these powers as the former king comes face-to-face with Poseidon! And as the Atlantis of old wages war on Earth, the forces behind Arthur and Meras estrangement are revealed! All is not what it seems...

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Art: Wow, there are 3 artists on this issue. What’s happening?!

The storyline continues with the Subterraneans trying to steal this Waynetech artificial sun thing. Both Batman Gordon and Superman are caught in the middle as Aquaman is revealed to be an ally of the Subterraneans. The story is ok, nothing great, but not bad either. I think it was nice to bring Arthur i more

Batman / Superman #24

By: Greg Pak, Vicente Cifuentes
Released: Sep 9, 2015

The epic Truth arc reaches its finale as Superman discovers the true fate of Batman and makes a fateful decision.

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I’m really enjoying most of these fresh takes on books for the DC You initiative. This is something Superman needs, being brought down from being a god. Just lowering his powers isn’t good enough, the physical, visual aspect, emotional/psychological, and philosophical and political aspects of it are what’s making this run different. I feel Greg Pak had a really good grasp on i more

Action Comics #43

By: Greg Pak, Aaron Kuder
Released: Aug 12, 2015

Truth continues as Superman defies the Metropolis police and faces a new threat from the shadows!

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It’s interesting, for the first time, this title did a little recap page of the last issue on the first page. It was a montage of events that looked like memories all hovering over Batgirl’s head.

I loved this parallel that this issue made in this scene where it addresses a question I had from the previous issue. Last issue I thought it was weird that Gordon Batman w more

Batgirl #42

By: Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr
Released: Jul 29, 2015

Batgirl can barely hold her own in combat against the new Batman so what happens when Livewire joins the fight with the intention of taking them both out?

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Comics Meanderings by Carl Li added Doug Mahnke to their creator watch list Nov 13, 2015
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Comics Meanderings by Carl Li added Justice League (2011) to their pull list Nov 13, 2015

Justice League (2011)

Comics superstars Geoff Johns and Jim Lee make history! In a universe where super heroes are strange and new, Batman has discovered a dark evil that requires him to unite the World Greatest Heroes!

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Comics Meanderings by Carl Li added Jim Lee to their creator watch list Nov 13, 2015
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Comics Meanderings by Carl Li added Geoff Johns to their creator watch list Nov 13, 2015
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Comics Meanderings by Carl Li added Joe Casey to their creator watch list Nov 13, 2015
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Comics Meanderings by Carl Li added Francis Manapul to their creator watch list Nov 13, 2015
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Comics Meanderings by Carl Li added Jason Fabok to their creator watch list Nov 13, 2015
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Comics Meanderings by Carl Li added Ivan Reis to their creator watch list Nov 13, 2015
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gustave154 reviewed Batgirl #42 Aug 23, 2015

The current team on Batgirl has the best run i've seen yet.

Batgirl #42

By: Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr
Released: Jul 29, 2015

Batgirl can barely hold her own in combat against the new Batman so what happens when Livewire joins the fight with the intention of taking them both out?

Comics Meanderings by Carl Li added Batman (2011) to their pull list Oct 17, 2015

Batman (2011)

Be here for the start of a new era for The Dark Knight from writer Scott Snyder (AMERICAN VAMPIRE, BATMAN: GATES OF GOTHAM) and artist Greg Capullo (Spawn)! A series of brutal killings hints at an ancient conspiracy, and Batman learns that Gotham City is deadlier than he knew.

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Comics Meanderings by Carl Li added Scott Snyder to their creator watch list Oct 17, 2015
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