DemonMatan's Profile

Joined: Jan 20, 2016

Recent Activity

DemonMatan dropped Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin from their pull list Jun 21, 2018

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin

Before their military heroism in the Clone Wars, before their tragic battle on Mustafar, and many decades before their final confrontation on the Death Star...they were Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan learner, Anakin Skywalker. It's been a few years since Obi-Wan pledged to train the young "chosen one," but even as they have grown closer thro...

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DemonMatan dropped We Stand On Guard from their pull list Jun 21, 2018

We Stand On Guard

SAGA writer BRIAN K. VAUGHAN teams with artistic legend and MATRIX storyboard artist STEVE SKROCE for an action-packed military thriller that will have everyone talking. 100 years from now, a heroic band of Canadian civilians must defend their homeland from the United States of America! The hyper-detailed combat between badass freedom...

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DemonMatan dropped Black Panther (2016) from their pull list Jun 21, 2018

Black Panther (2016)

A new era for the Black Panther starts here!
Written by MacArthur Genius and National Book Award winner TA-NEHISI COATES (Between the World and Me) and illustrated by living legend BRIAN STELFREEZE, "A Nation Under Our Feet" is a story about dramatic upheaval in Wakanda and the Black Panther's struggle to do right by his people as their ruler...

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DemonMatan dropped Star Wars (2014) from their pull list Jun 21, 2018

Star Wars (2014)

Luke Skywalker and the ragtag band of rebels fighting against the Galactic Empire are fresh off their biggest victory yet-the destruction of the massive battle station known as the Death Star. But the Empire's not toppled yet! Join Luke along with Princess Leia, smugglers Han Solo and ...

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DemonMatan dropped Star Wars: Poe Dameron from their pull list Jun 21, 2018

Star Wars: Poe Dameron

Poe Dameron, former Republic flyer turned Resistance fighter, is the best pilot in the galaxy. Hand-picked for the resistance by General Leia Organa to lead a squadron on a top secret and vital mission...Poe sets off investigating sites of historical importance to the Force...

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DemonMatan added The Walking Dead to their pull list Feb 4, 2017

The Walking Dead

Rick Grimes, Sheriff of a small town in Kentucky awakes in a hospital. Comatose after being shot while on duty, Rick finds the world abandoned of all things living and is faced with walking undead, who attack him on sight. He returns home to find his family, son Carl and wife Lori, gone. He meets his new neighbor, who points him towards Atlanta. Af...

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DemonMatan added Tom King to their creator watch list Jan 1, 2017
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #11

By: Ryan North, Erica Henderson
Released: Aug 24, 2016

• This special one-off issue promises two amazing things: SUPER HEROICS and COMPUTER SCIENCE.
•  Yes! By the end of this issue, you will know both how Squirrel Girl can take down COUNT NEFARIA and also a few really fundamental concepts in computer science!
•  Have we found a way to express CS concepts...

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DemonMatan added Ryan North to their creator watch list Sep 18, 2016
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DemonMatan added Howard The Duck (2016) to their pull list Sep 12, 2016

Howard The Duck (2016)

First spectacular issue!
A great jumping on point! Sure to go up in value! Don't miss out on the series everyone is calling "Howard the Duck"! The last page will shock you! Nothing will EVER be the same again! Hey! Where are you going? Come back! Waugh!
Rated T+

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DemonMatan added Everafter to their pull list Sep 8, 2016


From the team that brought you FABLES: THE WOLF AMONG US comes a new chapter of the FABLES legacy! In a post-Fables world where magic abounds, it can be wielded for the greater good or used to plant the seeds of anarchy and terrorism. The Shadow Players are a global network of agents-both Fable and mundane-tasked with policing a newly enchanted wor...

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DemonMatan added The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) to their pull list Aug 22, 2016

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015)

Galactus. Thanos. M.O.D.O.K. With her unique combination of wit, empathy, and totally kick-butt squirrel powers, Doreen Green -- aka The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl -- has taken ALL these chumps down! Alongside her friends Tippy-Toe (a squirrel) and Nancy (a regular human with no powers whatsoever -- they checked), Squirrel Girl is all that stands bet...

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DemonMatan added Matt Fraction to their creator watch list Jul 4, 2016
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DemonMatan added Paper Girls to their pull list Jul 4, 2016

Paper Girls

SAGA writer BRIAN K. VAUGHAN launches a brand-new ONGOING SERIES with superstar Wonder Woman artist CLIFF CHIANG!  In the early hours after Halloween of 1988, four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls uncover the most important story of all time.  Stand By Me meets War of the Worlds in this mysterious young adult adventure, starting with a spec...

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DemonMatan added Dark Knight III: The Master Race to their pull list Jul 4, 2016

Dark Knight III: The Master Race

The epic ending you never saw coming is here because you demanded it! The Dark Knight rises again to face the dawn of the master race!

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DemonMatan added Sex Criminals to their pull list Jul 4, 2016

Sex Criminals

Suzie's a normal girl with an extraordinary ability: when she has sex, she stops time. One night she meets John...  who has the same gift. And so they do what any other sex-having, time-stopping, couple would do: they rob banks. In the vein of THE 40-YEAR OLD VIRGIN and BRIDESMAIDS, Image Comics invites you to ...

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DemonMatan added Chip Zdarsky to their creator watch list Jul 4, 2016
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DemonMatan added Black Panther (2016) to their pull list Apr 9, 2016

Black Panther (2016)

A new era for the Black Panther starts here!
Written by MacArthur Genius and National Book Award winner TA-NEHISI COATES (Between the World and Me) and illustrated by living legend BRIAN STELFREEZE, "A Nation Under Our Feet" is a story about dramatic upheaval in Wakanda and the Black Panther's struggle to do right by his people as their ruler...

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DemonMatan added Star Wars: Poe Dameron to their pull list Apr 9, 2016

Star Wars: Poe Dameron

Poe Dameron, former Republic flyer turned Resistance fighter, is the best pilot in the galaxy. Hand-picked for the resistance by General Leia Organa to lead a squadron on a top secret and vital mission...Poe sets off investigating sites of historical importance to the Force...

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DemonMatan added Star Wars (2014) to their pull list Feb 28, 2016

Star Wars (2014)

Luke Skywalker and the ragtag band of rebels fighting against the Galactic Empire are fresh off their biggest victory yet-the destruction of the massive battle station known as the Death Star. But the Empire's not toppled yet! Join Luke along with Princess Leia, smugglers Han Solo and ...

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DemonMatan added Star Wars: Darth Vader to their pull list Feb 28, 2016

Star Wars: Darth Vader

The original Dark Lord of the Sith stars in his first ongoing series!
Ever since Darth Vader made his first on-screen appearance, he became the one of the most popular villains to ever haunt an audience's dreams! Now, follow Vader straight from the ending of A NEW HOPE (and the pages of the new STAR WARS comic book) into his own series, showing...

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DemonMatan added Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin to their pull list Feb 28, 2016

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin

Before their military heroism in the Clone Wars, before their tragic battle on Mustafar, and many decades before their final confrontation on the Death Star...they were Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan learner, Anakin Skywalker. It's been a few years since Obi-Wan pledged to train the young "chosen one," but even as they have grown closer thro...

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DemonMatan added Saga to their pull list Feb 28, 2016


Y: THE LAST MAN writer BRIAN K. VAUGHAN returns to comics with red-hot artist FIONA STAPLES for an all-new ONGOING SERIES! Star Wars-style action collides with Game of Thrones-esque drama in this original sci-fi/fantasy epic for mature readers, as new parents Marko and Alana risk everything to raise their child amidst a never-ending galactic war.

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DemonMatan added Brian K. Vaughan to their creator watch list Jan 20, 2016
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DemonMatan added We Stand On Guard to their pull list Jan 20, 2016

We Stand On Guard

SAGA writer BRIAN K. VAUGHAN teams with artistic legend and MATRIX storyboard artist STEVE SKROCE for an action-packed military thriller that will have everyone talking. 100 years from now, a heroic band of Canadian civilians must defend their homeland from the United States of America! The hyper-detailed combat between badass freedom...

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