LightningRhod's Profile

Joined: Feb 29, 2016

Recent Activity

LightningRhod dropped The Legend of Wonder Woman from their pull list Apr 21, 2016

The Legend of Wonder Woman

Diana, Princess of Themyscira, is caught between her mother’s expectations and her own desire for freedom!

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LightningRhod added American Monster to their pull list Mar 24, 2016

American Monster

In a small Midwestern town, a large man with a horribly scarred face gets off a bus, and takes a room. He spooks the locals--nobody knows him--or do they? It's impossible to say be-cause he seemingly has no face. The man's intentions remain unknown, until he takes on a corrupt sheriff and the rural crew of racist arms dealers. The town's impression...

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LightningRhod added Second Sight to their pull list Mar 18, 2016

Second Sight

Ray Pilgrim knows how to get inside a killer's head. Getting in is the easy part...
20 years ago, Ray Pilgrim became a celebrity when he discovered his unique ability to see through the eyes of psychotic killers who were terrorizing London.  But his world collapsed around him when he was accused of the same crimes as the monsters he h...

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LightningRhod added Old Man Logan (2016) to their pull list Mar 11, 2016

Old Man Logan (2016)

Fifty years from now, Logan -- the man who no longer calls himself Wolverine -- will have endured many atrocities: The Marvel Universe's villains will have banded together and rid the world of its heroes. Logan's closest friend, Hawkeye, will have been murdered in cold blood right before his eyes. And driven mad by the same radiation that gave him ...

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LightningRhod added Tokyo Ghost to their pull list Mar 11, 2016

Tokyo Ghost

The Isles of Los Angeles 2089: Humanity is addicted to technology, a population of unemployed leisure seekers blissfully distracted from toxic contamination, who borrow, steal, and kill to buy their next digital fix. Getting a virtual buzz is the only thing left to live for. It's the biggest industry, the only industry, the drug everyone needs, and...

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LightningRhod added The Mighty Thor (2015) to their pull list Mar 11, 2016

The Mighty Thor (2015)

When DR. JANE FOSTER lifts the mystic hammer Mjolnir, she is transformed into the Goddess of Thunder, THE MIGHTY THOR! Her enemies are many, as Asgard descends further into chaos and war threatens to spread throughout the Ten Realms. Yet her greatest battle will be against a far more personal foe: the cancer that is killing her mortal form.

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LightningRhod added The Legend of Wonder Woman to their pull list Feb 29, 2016

The Legend of Wonder Woman

Diana, Princess of Themyscira, is caught between her mother’s expectations and her own desire for freedom!

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LightningRhod added Avengers Standoff to their pull list Feb 29, 2016

Avengers Standoff

The prelude to the Spring's blockbuster AVENGERS event! Hello there and welcome, new resident. You've sure made the right choice in moving to Pleasant Hill-- a friendly small town where burdens are lifted and the sun is always bright... so hide your eyes. Don't let it see you looking its way. Hide if you must. Otherwise it will burn right through ...

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LightningRhod added Karnak to their pull list Feb 29, 2016


"My curse is that I see the flaw in all things. Systems. Philosophies. Structures. People. Everything. Never forget who I am. I am Karnak of the Inhumans." You may not know who Karnak is now, but you will when Warren Ellis (MOON KNIGHT, Planetary) and Gerardo Zaffino are done with you. Phil Coulson goes to Karnak to help ...

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LightningRhod added Spidey (2015) to their pull list Feb 29, 2016

Spidey (2015)

Think you know everything about Peter Parker's early days? Think again. It's action, adventure and a rip-roaring romp in classic Marvel style as SPIDEY swings onto shelves this winter! Featuring adventures from throughout the web-slinging wonder's younger years, it's a return to the days of overdue homework, not knowing how to talk to girls (or any...

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LightningRhod added All-New Wolverine to their pull list Feb 29, 2016

All-New Wolverine

X-23 was created to be a weapon and for a time, that's all she was. But with the help of her mentor, LOGAN-the original WOLVERINE-she escaped that dark past. Tragically, Logan has fallen, but Laura will continue in his footsteps as a hero. Recent events have her doing everything in he...

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LightningRhod added Dark Knight III: The Master Race to their pull list Feb 29, 2016

Dark Knight III: The Master Race

The epic ending you never saw coming is here because you demanded it! The Dark Knight rises again to face the dawn of the master race!

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LightningRhod added Invincible Iron Man (2015) to their pull list Feb 29, 2016

Invincible Iron Man (2015)

Exploding out of the pages of SECRET WARS, one of the most popular super heroes in the world gets a gigantic new series. From the creators that brought you ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN comes new armor, new supporting cast, new villains and a new purpose that is going to tear itself across the entire Marvel Universe and beyond. with a shocker of a last page ...

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LightningRhod added Vision (2015) to their pull list Feb 29, 2016

Vision (2015)

The Vision wants to be human, and what's more human than family? He goes to the laboratory where he was created, where Ultron molded him into a weapon, where he first rebelled against his given destiny, where he first imagined that he could be more, that he could be good, that he could be a man, a normal, ordinary man. And he builds them. A wife, V...

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