Charlzwing23's Profile

Joined: Sep 16, 2016

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The story was great. The art was phenomenal!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #5

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Sep 28, 2016

"Sinestro's Law" part 5! Sinestro's Fear Engine powers up as the Green Lantern Corps streaks across the universe to find Guy Gardner, but instead come face to face with a battle-ready armada standing in their way.

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This issue triggers all points of my emotional spectrum.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #4

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"Sinestro's Law" part 4! Sinestro's grip on the universe tightens with Hal Jordan captured, as the two former partners edge closer to a final confrontation for control of the cosmos!

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