Last Dojo's Profile

Joined: Oct 03, 2016

Recent Activity

Last Dojo added Daredevil / Punisher to their pull list Oct 3, 2016

Daredevil / Punisher

A simple change of venues for one of Matt Murdock's cases becomes more complicated when THE PUNISHER attempts to send the defendant away...permanently! If DAREDEVIL and BLINDSPOT want to get this mobster his day in court, it will take every ounce of wit and wile they have. All Frank needs to get what he wants is a bullet. The race is on!
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Last Dojo added Superwoman (2016) to their pull list Oct 3, 2016

Superwoman (2016)

"Who Is Superwoman?" part one! Lois Lane takes flight! Now powered up with the abilities of Superman, Lois pledges to carry on the super-legacy as Superwoman! There's only one problem: Lois' new powers are killing her, and neither she nor her friend and confidant Lana Lang know what to do about it. Will Lois even survive long enough to learn the de...

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Last Dojo added Batgirl (2016) to their pull list Oct 3, 2016

Batgirl (2016)

"Beyond Burnside" Chapter One: The Batgirl you know and love is going global with Eisner Award-winning and New York Times best-selling writer Hope Larson (A Wrinkle in Time, Goldie Vance) and all-star artist Rafael Albuquerque (AMERICAN VAMPIRE). In order to up her game, Babs travels to Japan on a quest to train with the most elite modern combat ma...

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Last Dojo added All-Star Batman to their pull list Oct 3, 2016

All-Star Batman

"My Own Worst Enemy" part one! Superstar writer Scott Snyder explodes into an all-new Batman series alongside legendary artist John Romita Jr., reimagining some of the Dark Knight's greatest villains. First up: Two-Face! Batman must take Two-Face to a destination out of Gotham City, but the duplicitous villain has a two of spades up his sleeve. Eve...

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Last Dojo added Punisher (2016) to their pull list Oct 3, 2016

Punisher (2016)

A by-the-numbers drug bust is about to take Frank Castle by surprise...and he HATES surprises. The horrible fallout threatens to send The Punisher into the heart of darkness, but Castle won't make that journey alone: A DEA agent is on his trail and attempting to get into his head...but what horrors will she find ther...

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Last Dojo added Moon Knight (2016) to their pull list Oct 3, 2016

Moon Knight (2016)

Marc Spector (a.k.a. Moon Knight/Jake Lockley/Steven Grant) has been fighting criminals and keeping New York City safe for years... or has he? When he wakes up in an insane asylum with no powers and a lifetime's worth of medical records, his whole identity (indentities) are called into question. Something is wr...

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Last Dojo added Wonder Woman (2016) to their pull list Oct 3, 2016

Wonder Woman (2016)

"THE LIES" chapter one
Why has the lasso of truth stopped working for the Amazon Princess? Start down the rabbit hole as dark secrets from Wonder Woman's past unravel her present!
THEY SAID IT: "Drawing Wonder Woman isn't just drawing a comic, it's drawing an icon-the most famous and recognizable female superhero in the world," exclaims art...

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Last Dojo added Black Panther (2016) to their pull list Oct 3, 2016

Black Panther (2016)

A new era for the Black Panther starts here!
Written by MacArthur Genius and National Book Award winner TA-NEHISI COATES (Between the World and Me) and illustrated by living legend BRIAN STELFREEZE, "A Nation Under Our Feet" is a story about dramatic upheaval in Wakanda and the Black Panther's struggle to do right by his people as their ruler...

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Last Dojo added Spider-Man (2016) to their pull list Oct 3, 2016

Spider-Man (2016)

Miles Morales has been doing the super hero thing for a while, now, but after SECRET WARS, he'll be a full-fledged member of the Marvel Universe. Swinging next to The Invincible Iron Man, The Mighty Thor and the All-New Captain America as a card-carrying member of the Avengers is an adventure, but it's not all fun and games for New York City's main...

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