Salute Magazine's Profile

Joined: Jan 24, 2017

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Salute Magazine reviewed Conan: The Slayer #6 Jan 24, 2017

From its inception, this tale has been as mighty as Conan himself.

In this issue, things go left as Conan’s relationship with the Kozaki tribe goes south in the face of an infighting at the top of the food chain.

Bunn does an incredible job at pulling in the story and setting it back on its violent path when the moments call for it.

Brutality is Conan’s call more

Conan: The Slayer #6

By: Cullen Bunn, Sergio Fernandez Davila
Released: Jan 25, 2017

In pursuit of his traitorous brother, the inexperienced new chief of the Kozaks has foolishly ventured into the bowels of Gorey Castle. The callow youth's only hope now is his bodyguard, Conan-will the Cimmerian reach him in time? Superstar writer Cullen Bunn (Harrow County, Uncanny X-Men) and artist Sergio Dávila (Red Sonja, Swords of Sorrow) wra...

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Salute Magazine added Conan: The Slayer to their pull list Jan 24, 2017

Conan: The Slayer

Alone, battle weary, and with nothing but his sword, Conan of Cimmeria faces his inevitable death in the arid wastes . . . but instead stumbles into a camp of Kozaki raiders. With a knife at his throat and a band of Turanian hunters at his back, will the half-dead barbarian find a new ally in the Kozaki chief?  

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