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Joined: Feb 25, 2017

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I went to the comicbook store and I was very excited to this book. Very excited to see a black team working together. When I got to the store I didn't even buy it. Now to be fair it is a really good MISTY KNIGHT BOOK. It really is a good book for misty knight fans. BUT ITS SUCKS FOR A TEAM BOOK. WHEN YOU HAVE A TITLE CHARTER THAT IS NOT EVEN IN THE FIRST ISSUE THERE IS A BIG PROBLEM. Black panther more

Black Panther & the Crew #1

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Butch Guice
Released: Apr 12, 2017

Black Panther, Storm, Luke Cage, Misty Knight and Manifold band together to take on a dangerous wave of street-level threats in this new ongoing series by co-writers Ta-Nehisi Coates (New York Times best-selling author of Between the World and Me and Marvel's Black Panther) and Yona Harvey (Black Panther: World of Wakanda) and legendary artist Butc...

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dmdspotlight123 - May 31, 2017

The only reason why I gave it a bad number because I was expecting a black panther book not a misty knight book and with the prices that marvel are setting their comics I can't tell somebody to waste their money on a book that they want to read with black panther in it and black panther isn't in it. They should have called this misty knight and the crew.

dmdspotlight123 added Ultimates 2 (2016) to their pull list Feb 25, 2017

Ultimates 2 (2016)

    Who - or what - is the Cosmic Jailer? What being is powerful enough to chain Eternity itself? That is the mystery Galactus must solve - before it's too late. Ultimate problems require ultimate solutions, and Galactus will call on those who helped cure his insatiable hunger. Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Blue Marvel, Spectru...

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dmdspotlight123 reviewed Black Panther #11 Feb 25, 2017

This is the battle that this whole book was leading up to. The Wakandan Army vs. Tetu's forces. And it was...Disappointing. First what I did enjoy in the book was the dialogue and some of the panels illustrated by Sprouse was impressive, but the lack of scale in this battle is very underwhelming. This is supposed to be a WAR. A War supposed to have bodies on top of bodies, soldiers losing body par more

Black Panther #11

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Chris Sprouse
Released: Feb 22, 2017

•  The combined fury of T'Challa, Shuri, Manifold and the Hatut Zeraze rains down upon Tetu and Zenzi's rebellion. But will there be anything left of Wakanda to rule?
•  The critically acclaimed storyline comes to an end and leaves behind a startling new status quo...

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Wolf Warner - Feb 25, 2017

not as low as a 6. But I feel you!

dmdspotlight123 added Black Panther (2016) to their pull list Feb 25, 2017

Black Panther (2016)

A new era for the Black Panther starts here!
Written by MacArthur Genius and National Book Award winner TA-NEHISI COATES (Between the World and Me) and illustrated by living legend BRIAN STELFREEZE, "A Nation Under Our Feet" is a story about dramatic upheaval in Wakanda and the Black Panther's struggle to do right by his people as their ruler...

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