Carl Kolchack's Profile

Joined: May 17, 2017

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Carl Kolchack added Letter 44 to their pull list May 17, 2017

Letter 44

There's something up there. As newly elected President Stephen Blades reads the letter left for him in the Oval Office by his predecessor, he learns this stunning secret: seven years earlier, NASA discovered an alien construction project in the asteroid belt. A crew of heroic astronauts was sent to investigate, and they're nearing the conclusion of...

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Carl Kolchack reviewed Letter 44 #32 May 17, 2017

Good issue. Not really a starting point for new readers but excellent for loyal readers from
from the beginning like myself. Very much a stand alone issue.

The reader finds out the true motivation of the Builders and why they built the "device" in
our galaxy near Jupiter. Are the Builders friends or foe? Mr. Soule has created a backstory
for the Builders that does not more

Letter 44 #32

By: Charles Soule, Langdon Foss
Released: Apr 19, 2017

Where did the alien Builders come from? What is the source of the mysterious End that threatens the very fabric of the universe itself? At last, with four issues left in the series, get the answers to these and other fundamental questions about the Letter 44-verse... BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Special one-shot issue illustrated by Langdon Foss (Get Jiro...

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