Urgat's Profile

Joined: Feb 01, 2018

Recent Activity

Urgat added Jim Zub to their creator watch list Feb 1, 2018
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Urgat added Mark Waid to their creator watch list Feb 1, 2018
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Urgat added Pepe Larraz to their creator watch list Feb 1, 2018
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Urgat added Al Ewing to their creator watch list Feb 1, 2018
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Urgat reviewed Avengers #678 Feb 1, 2018

I somehow can't understand what many reviewers are saying about this event so far.
Yes, there are still many plot points in need of explanation or revelation. But there are also
these little nudges here and there that add to the mystery of this big story. IMHO the 3 writers
do a very good job at keeping us readers interested by just adding little pieces to the puzzle here and there more

Avengers #678

By: Mark Waid, Pepe Larraz
Released: Jan 31, 2018

The Avengers are caught in a game of cosmic proportions, but they don't know the rules - and one of them is about to pay the ultimate price! THE FIRST AVENGER FALLS!
Rated T+

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Urgat added Avengers (2016) to their pull list Feb 1, 2018

Avengers (2016)

The time has come! Their ranks shattered by Civil War, their spirits weighted down by a toll both personal and spiritual, Earth's Mightiest Heroes must find the resolve to stand united one final time against their greatest foe! Captain America! Thor! The Vision! The Wasp! Spider-Man! Hercules! When the dust settles, not a one of these valiant heroe...

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