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Joined: Feb 17, 2018

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The Curse of Brimstone #1

By: Justin Jordan, Philip Tan
Released: Apr 4, 2018

Joe Chamberlain would do anything to save his small, forgotten town-even make a deal with the devil. But things get worse, and Joe finds himself cursed with the power of BRIMSTONE. With the power of fire and destruction coursing through his hands, Joe must now track down and destroy the demon he made his deal with before the power he now wields des...

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Expert Fighter rated Flash #42 Mar 14, 2018

Flash #42

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Panosian
Released: Mar 14, 2018

"PERFECT STORM" part four! The Flash teams up with an unlikely ally as the fight for Central City rages on. Meanwhile, Grodd sinks his telepathic teeth into the Flash Family as he tries to finish Barry Allen once and for all!

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Dispatchdcu reviewed Flash #41 Feb 28, 2018

I wish I could say I did not see the ending coming, but I did. With only speedsters being able to move throughout this new speed force storm the only logical choice was for Godspeed to enter into the story. Now I am OK with that but it did seem a bit predictable to me.

We find out that Lord Grodd, which I love by the way, is probably controlling Meena mentally, and possibly the others. more

Flash #41

By: Joshua Williamson, Neil Googe
Released: Feb 28, 2018

"PERFECT STORM" part three! The Flash has lost what he prizes most of all and must call in an old ally to protect Central City while he sets out to get it back...Wally West! But with a new Flash protecting his city, will Barry be willing to cross lines he never crossed before?

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Expert Fighter - Feb 28, 2018

at least godspeed will get his shot to be the hero this time instead of just being a generic villian who is faster than the flash , I have got feelings that the writer is gonna end him for something good

Dispatchdcu - Feb 28, 2018

I hope you're right. We have enough speedster villains and J-dub has done enough with speedsters and villains since Rebirth. I'm curious to see if you're right and he gets the chance to be a hero. I'd read it!

Expert Fighter rated Flash #41 Feb 28, 2018

Flash #41

By: Joshua Williamson, Neil Googe
Released: Feb 28, 2018

"PERFECT STORM" part three! The Flash has lost what he prizes most of all and must call in an old ally to protect Central City while he sets out to get it back...Wally West! But with a new Flash protecting his city, will Barry be willing to cross lines he never crossed before?

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Expert Fighter rated Sideways #1 Feb 19, 2018

Sideways #1

By: Dan DiDio, Kenneth Rocafort
Released: Feb 14, 2018

During the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL, high school junior Derek James accidentally fell through a rift into the dark matter dimension! Now, as Sideways, he can create rifts in midair to leap through dimensions at will! But with that much power comes great liability-and cracks are starting to form in the fabric of the space-time continuum...

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Expert Fighter rated Flash #39 Feb 18, 2018

Flash #39

By: Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Jan 24, 2018

"The Perfect Storm" part one! In the 700th tale of THE FLASH, Barry Allen wants to make amends to the people he's hurt, but Gorilla Grodd has other plans! If Grodd's shocking attack on Central City wasn't enough, the reason why-and how it connects to everything The Flash has faced since the Speed Force Storm-will rock our hero to his core...and cha...

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Expert Fighter rated Flash #40 Feb 18, 2018

Flash #40

By: Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Feb 14, 2018

"PERFECT STORM" part two! Gorilla Grodd is after Central City's Speed Force, and The Flash is on the run! But the one thing Barry Allen can't outrun is the truth...and his nemesis knows a terrible secret about the Fastest Man Alive.

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