Drake's Profile

Joined: Apr 20, 2018

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DC / Looney Tunes: Legion of Super Heroes/Bugs Bunny #1

By: Sam Humphries, Scott Hanna
Released: Jun 14, 2017

The Legion of Super-Heroes always thought they had taken their inspiration from the 21st Century's Superboy. But when they try to bring that hero into their future time, the team discovers to their surprise the caped champion isn't who-or even what-they expected! And the bonus Looney Tunes backup story features DC characters with story and art by J...

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DC / Looney Tunes: Jonah Hex/Yosemite Sam #1

By: Jimmy Palmiotti, Dave Alvarez
Released: Jun 28, 2017

When miner Yosemite Sam strikes it rich, word gets out as everyone comes gunning for his wealth! To protect himself and his new riches, he hires bounty hunter Jonah Hex--but the man protecting him may be his worst nightmare! And the bonus Looney Tunes backup story features DC characters written by Bill Matheny and artwork by Dave Alvarez.

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DC / Looney Tunes: Batman/Elmer Fudd #1

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Jun 28, 2017

After a chance meeting with billionaire Bruce Wayne, Elmer Fudd's obsession quickly escalates into stalking Batman through the dark alleys and high-class social settings of Gotham City. Welcome to Bat Season! And the bonus Looney Tunes backup story features DC characters written by Tom King and artwork by Byron Vaughns.

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DC / Looney Tunes: Lobo/Road Runner #1

By: Bill Morrison, Kelley Jones
Released: Jun 21, 2017

Wile E. Coyote travels to the far reaches of space to hire Lobo to hunt down and kill his greatest nemesis of all time, the Road Runner. And when the Coyote and Lobo are
after him, the Road Runner knows if they catch him-he's through. And the bonus Looney Tunes backup story features DC characters with story and art by Bill Morrison!

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DC / Looney Tunes: Wonder Woman/Tasmanian Devil #1

By: Antony Bedard, Barry Kitson
Released: Jun 21, 2017

Not since the twelve labors of Hercules has a Greek warrior faced as great a danger and as destructive a peril as the Tasmanian Devil! And the bonus Looney Tunes backup story features DC characters with story by Tony Bedard and art by Ben Caldwell!

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DC / Looney Tunes: Martian Manhunter/Marvin the Martian #1

By: Steve Orlando, Jerome K. Moore
Released: Jun 14, 2017

Martian Manhunter tries to halt Marvin the Martian's determination for world domination. J'onn is conflicted with his own Martian identity as he attempts to stop the hapless, determined Marvin from blowing Earth to bits in order to gain a clear view of Venus. And the bonus Looney Tunes backup story features DC characters written by Jim Fanning with...

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