tcesars's Profile

Joined: May 27, 2018

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Estou quase finalizando os últimos trabalhos de Brian Michael Bendis na Marvel e como a Panini Comics ainda não lançou este material por aqui tive que ler em mídia digital, mas já adianto, é algo que se for lançado da forma correta, encadernados capa cartão com bom acabamento, vale muito a pena ser adquirido!

Bendis continua trabalhando com os heróis Demolidor, Luke Cage, Punho more

Defenders Vol. 2: Kingpins Of New York

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming

The Defenders - Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Daredevil, protectors of the people - are engaged in a desperate struggle to keep New York City safe in the middle of an all-out gang war! So what could make things even worse? Would you believe - Deadpool? The Kingpin's kingdom is up for grabs, and the streets will burn as every major underwo...

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tcesars rated Batman #48 Jun 26, 2018

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

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tcesars rated Batman #49 Jun 26, 2018

Batman #49

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 20, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part two! Now it's up to Catwoman to rescue her one true love. It's the Cat vs. the Clown in one exciting showdown that sets the stage for our giant anniversary issue-and the biggest union in comics!

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tcesars dropped Justice League: No Justice from their pull list May 27, 2018

Justice League: No Justice

DARK NIGHTS: METAL left the DCU transformed in ways both terrifying and wondrous-and only the Justice League is strong enough to face the threats to come...or are they? Four giant beings comprised of the universe's major energies-Mystery, Wonder, Wisdom and Entropy-who sustain their life force by devouring planets are on their way to destroy the pl...

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tcesars added Justice League: No Justice to their pull list May 27, 2018

Justice League: No Justice

DARK NIGHTS: METAL left the DCU transformed in ways both terrifying and wondrous-and only the Justice League is strong enough to face the threats to come...or are they? Four giant beings comprised of the universe's major energies-Mystery, Wonder, Wisdom and Entropy-who sustain their life force by devouring planets are on their way to destroy the pl...

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tcesars reviewed Justice League: No Justice #3 May 27, 2018

Nessa edição que tudo começa a desandar.
O desenhista já não é o mesmo do começo dando lugar à Riley Rossmo e Marcus To.
O roteiro começa a enrolar o leitor porquê é claro que vão levar a luta principal para a Terra.

Ainda não dera nenhuma explicação clara para os uniformes com "tecnologia" de Brainiac, mas a principal para mim parece ser apenas para vender b more

Justice League: No Justice #3

By: Scott Snyder, Francis Manapul
Released: May 23, 2018

Starfire makes a crushing discovery, Beast Boy uncovers a shocking betrayal, and Cyborg and Wonder Woman are forced to make decisions that will have devastating repercussions for all four teams... and potentially for those they left behind on Earth.

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