Ralf Singh's Profile

Joined: Jun 17, 2018

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Ralf Singh commented on this:
SloboSOY reviewed Zinnober #1 Jun 14, 2018

Hard to put this kind of story after the Image Comics : The Realm. So I had to make a effort not to compare it.
The story didn't make much sens at first. Yeah She will go save a Dog and I read Weatherman after, so now I understand, but at first I find it dumb. The fact that the awful group show up outside for a woman make a little sens too. The dog bark for a time now and they could have susp more

Zinnober #1

By: Ralf Singh
Released: Jun 20, 2018

Twenty years ago dragons returned to Earth and laid waste to human civilization. In the event the surviving humans named "Zinnober," Claire, then a young girl, lost her parents to the devastating force of these primeval creatures. Today, she's hell-bent on avenging the death of her family. But will the skills she was taught by her foster-father, th...

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Ralf Singh - Jun 17, 2018

Hi SloboSOY, thank you for your honest feedback. This is the only way for me to learn what I can do better.

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