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Joined: Jan 23, 2019

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PlatinumThorns reviewed Immortal Hulk #32 Mar 11, 2020

Fantastic love letter for Hulk fans.

Immortal Hulk #32

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Mar 11, 2020

• The gentle giant XEMNUTM has come to EARTHTM to fight evil - as the INCREDIBLE HULKTM!
•  And YOUTM can join him -  as he battles ROBERT BANNERTM, the STRANGEST MAN OF ALL TIMETM!
•   (HULKTM is a trademark of ROXXON ENERGYTM. For a brighter tomorrow.)
Rated T+

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PlatinumThorns reviewed Immortal Hulk #26 Nov 7, 2019

Fantastically written issue with great pacing.

Immortal Hulk #26

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Nov 6, 2019

• He's got an underground fortress. He has powerful allies. He's even got henchmen.
•  He's got everything he needs to declare war on human society as we know it. He's the most dangerous man in the world...
•  ...and BRUCE BANNER is just getting started.
Parental Advisory

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PlatinumThorns rated Pretty Violent #2 Oct 24, 2019

Pretty Violent #2

By: Derek Hunter
Released: Sep 25, 2019

Things aren't working out for our hero. But that's only if you're counting how many people she's killed relative to how few she's saved. And it gets so much worse when she has to fight her family to save the day...

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PlatinumThorns reviewed Pretty Violent #3 Oct 24, 2019

Nice to see Gamma Rae finally attaching her character to good for once, but I feel like the plot isn't act going anywhere and we're three issue in.

Pretty Violent #3

By: Derek Hunter
Released: Oct 23, 2019

Gamma Rae has made it to Savior Complex, the headquarters of the most elite superhero team in Bay City, but she's about to find out it's much harder to navigate the expectations of heroes than villains.

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PlatinumThorns reviewed Immortal Hulk #25 Oct 24, 2019

Fantastic storytelling elements and art. Easily amongst the best issue of the series.

Immortal Hulk #25

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Oct 23, 2019

•  You've never read a Hulk comic like this before. You've never read a Marvel comic like this before.
•  The heat death of our universe has come and gone. The Hulk is finally dead. Now, billions of years later, the Ninth Cosmos cowers...
•   ...before the B...

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PlatinumThorns reviewed Immortal Hulk #23 Sep 4, 2019

Fantastic character interactions and intruding buildup for the plot in the issue.

Immortal Hulk #23

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Sep 4, 2019

• The war has come home - and Shadow Base is the battleground.
•  The stage is set for the final confrontation between the new ABOMINATION...
•  ...and the IMMORTAL HULK.
Rated T+

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PlatinumThorns reviewed Immortal Hulk #13 Feb 6, 2019

Amazing conclusion to the already great Hulk in Hell arc. Character development, new lore, and buildup for things to come.

Immortal Hulk #13

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Feb 6, 2019

• The One Below All is in control, and Bruce Banner belongs to him. Hell is ascendant.
•  But there are two people Hell isn't strong enough to hold. One is a man named Eugene Judd...
•  ...the other is the IMMORTAL HULK.
Rated T+

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PlatinumThorns reviewed Immortal Hulk #12 Jan 23, 2019

Definitely on the of best issues of this series with lots of theology and additions to the Hulk lore.

Immortal Hulk #12

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Jan 23, 2019

•  It whispers through many mouths. It destroys with many hands. Its only weapon is hate.
•  It wears human souls like masks on a stage to work its will on the world - but in the lowest hell, underneath all others, all the masks come off...
•  ...and THE ONE BELOW ALL...

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