Zman2531's Profile

Joined: Apr 24, 2019

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Zman2531 reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #33 Apr 24, 2019

Ok .... Why does Lobell continue to try to team people up with The REDHOOD?? I enjoyed the Bizzaro & Artemis team up but once they left and he became “RED HOOD OUTLAW” I began to enjoy RH 1000 times more! As the issues went on and RH was alone solving things , he was at the height of being one of DC’s badass hero’s. But these last two issues , with him teaming up and then running the ice c more

Red Hood and the Outlaws #33

By: Scott Lobdell, Pete Woods
Released: Apr 10, 2019

Running a casino has turned out to be more dangerous than Jason Todd ever imagined. Especially when he's the public face of the Iceberg Lounge. It turns out Oswald Cobblepot has way more enemies than the Penguin-and with the crime boss missing, they descend on Jason and his crew. But Jason doesn't need to look far for an extrajudicial solution to h...

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Zman2531 reviewed Aquaman #47 Apr 24, 2019

I have to say , once the last series ended and we got a writer switch , I thought the title was doomed! But I tip my hat to Deconnick who has given us a story that re-energizes AQUAMAN! Showing the ancient history of this character and of Atlantis has given us a breath of fresh air and has made AQUAMAN my #1 DC comic to read and look forward to!

Aquaman #47

By: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Robson Rocha
Released: Apr 17, 2019

Namma's nefarious plan to restart all life on Earth is in full effect, and only one man stands in her way: Aquaman! Don't miss the bombastic finale to "Unspoken Water"!

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Zman2531 reviewed Miles Morales: Spider-Man #5 Apr 24, 2019

So it’s 5 issues in on a new story line and writer and I have to say that I’m disappointed in the direction that this series is going. I did have high hopes for Ahmed and thought his ideas would continue to build Miles Morales character. Miles is growing up since Bendis which I understand, but has the reality of the world around Miles changed as well? My point is , Miles is in BK , where every more

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #5

By: Saladin Ahmed, Javi Garron
Released: Apr 17, 2019

• Tombstone is not happy with Miles taking out his weapons supplier and is taking drastic measures.
•  He's a big believer in the adage, "If you want a job done, you have to do it yourself."
• All the while, Miles is still juggling school, super-heroing and his love life. Wait a minute, WHAT love life?!

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