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Joined: Aug 21, 2019

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EdNothIng reviewed Captain America Annual #1 Aug 12, 2019

Qual o problema desse pessoal? Esse anual foi ótimo! Não é um 10/10 como estou dando pra tentar dar uma nota justa pra essa edição. Pqp

Captain America Annual #1

By: Tini Howard, Chris Sprouse
Released: Sep 19, 2018

• During an advance scouting mission in World War II, Captain America and Bucky come across an old farmhouse where a group of concentration camp escapees are fending off recapture.
•  If they can hold the line, the Allies will come to the rescue. But it's going to be a long night...
•  Rising star Tini Howard joins superstar Chr...

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felipevianaleal - Aug 21, 2019

mano, você sabe onde acaba o arco inverno na américa?

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