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Joined: Mar 25, 2020

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Filipern rated Flash #50 Mar 25, 2020

Flash #50

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jul 11, 2018

The lightning-fueled finale of "Flash War"! Zoom adapts two new Speed Force powers into his arsenal against both Barry Allen and Wally West. What are these strange new powers? What can they do? And how will this haunt the Scarlet Speedster long after "Flash War" is over? It's the power of two Flashes pitted against the seemingly unstoppable Hunter ...

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Filipern rated Flash #53 Mar 25, 2020

Flash #53

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Aug 22, 2018

It's a slippery slope for the Scarlet Speedster when he must team up with the frosty Commander Cold to stop a powered-up Trickster from trashing Central City. The Trickster's first target is the maximum-security prison Iron Heights, which could mean a criminal breakout the city would never survive.

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Filipern rated Flash #69 Mar 25, 2020

Flash #69

By: Joshua Williamson, Scott Kolins
Released: Apr 24, 2019

Riot in Central City! Trickster has pulled out all the stops in his assault on Flash's hometown, and the Scarlet Speedster is powerless to crack Trickster's code! Our hero is faced with an impossible choice: save the people of Central City-or let the villain who caused it all escape to wreak havoc another day!

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Flash Vol. 9: Reckoning Forces

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce

In these stories from THE FLASH #52-57, Barry Allen races to the House of Heroes at the center of the Multiverse to meet with the Flashes of 52 worlds for info on the new forces he's recently encountered. Meanwhile, in Central City, Trickster's turning informant against Warden Wolfe, but that brings about a sneak attack that Barry and the time-lost...

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Filipern reviewed Flash Vol. (2024: Edition) Mar 25, 2020

great job, even a different one than expected, was great and fun

Flash Vol. (2024: Edition)

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter

Go back to the very beginning of Barry Allen's heroic journey in THE FLASH: YEAR ONE! Barry Allen feels helpless in his life in Central City. As a forensic scientist, he's always catching criminals after they've committed their crimes. All that changes one fateful night when Barry is struck by a bolt of lightning and doused in chemicals. When he wa...

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Filipern rated Flash #25 Mar 25, 2020

Flash #25

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jun 28, 2017

"RUNNING SCARED" part one! When Eobard Thawne murdered Barry Allen's mother, he killed a piece of The Flash's past. Now, Reverse-Flash is back to kill Barry's future! The Flash's biggest storyline yet begins as he is pushed to his limits and his secrets are laid bare in a chase through time itself! Don't miss the extra-sized anniversary issue!

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Filipern rated Flash #62 Mar 25, 2020

Flash #62

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Jan 16, 2019

The Flash tracks down a new user of the mysterious Sage Force, a young Zandarian spy named Bashir (a.k.a. Psyche), who's just starting to understand his newfound abilities. Here's hoping he's a quick study, because the Flash needs his help against the dual threat known as Gemini, who wants to steal both the Speed and Sage Forces! And whose side is ...

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Filipern rated Flash #80 Mar 25, 2020

Flash #80

By: Joshua Williamson, Scott Kolins
Released: Oct 9, 2019

"The Hunter and the Hunted" part one! Barry Allen is hurt, and his connection to the Speed Force is fading fast. With the Speed Force dying, the only person who can save it is...Hunter Zolomon? Hunter has returned to prove he's the one, true Flash, and he doesn't care who gets in his way. But who is left to deal with the Rogues? Captain Cold has as...

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Filipern reviewed Flash #750 Mar 25, 2020

great work, a true celebration of the character, the edition still offers glimpses of the next story that promises to be very good involving the paradox

Flash #750

By: Francis Manapul, Rafa Sandoval
Released: Mar 4, 2020

Beginning: "The Flash Age"! The story we've been building toward since issue #50 comes to a head! While a supercharged Speed Force wreaks havoc on Barry Allen's life, a new threat appears on the horizon in the form of the deadly Paradox. Destined to destroy the Flash's legacy, Paradox sends his herald, Godspeed, to trap the Flash family! Plus, in t...

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Filipern rated Flash #751 Mar 25, 2020

Flash #751

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Mar 11, 2020

The Flash battles Godspeed as "Flash Age" continues! In this issue, Paradox enlists Godspeed in his mission to erase the Flash legacy from existence! But when Godspeed's allegiance comes into question, Paradox proves he may be the strongest foe Barry Allen's ever faced!

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Filipern rated Flash #85 Mar 25, 2020

Flash #85

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Jan 1, 2020

"Rogues' Reign" part four! An out-of-control Flash must figure out a way to harness his powers, because he's about to face the villain who flipped his world upside down- Mirror Master! Our hero has only one hope of survival-the Rogues are warring with each other and their forces are split. But while Barry struggles with his own abilities, are the R...

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Filipern added Flash (2016) to their pull list Mar 25, 2020

Flash (2016)

A new storm brews over Central City and disproves the old adage about lightning never, know. Just as Barry begins to feel overwhelmed fighting crime, a new speedster debuts-but just where did this amazing new friend come from?
FLASH FACT: "2016 is the 60th anniversary of Barry Allen becoming ...

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Filipern reviewed Flash #752 Mar 25, 2020

Joshua’s work is very well done so far, in more than 90 editions ahead of Flash magazine, joshua made good stories and the one he’s been building since issue 50 promises to be one of the best, issue 752 is well written showing how the flash dealt with the situation of being placed in another reality and the story even made references to the character's story, the story quotes the flashpoint, t more

Flash #752

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Mar 25, 2020

Exiled outside time and space in Paradox's realm, the Scarlet Speedster is confronted by ghosts from his past! Meanwhile, Iris discovers the one person who may help the Flash defeat Paradox-and it's not anyone Barry Allen would ever ask for help! Will they be able to find where-or when-this unlikely ally is hiding before it's too late?

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