Wilfred23's Profile

Joined: May 19, 2020

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Wilfred23 reviewed Ninja-K #9 May 19, 2020

My company just recovered over $824,000 that was lost to some online scammers all thanks to this pro hacker wisetechhacker from United kingdom. I promised to paste his contact all over the net so if you need help, contact Wise Tech on his EMAIL- (wisetechhacker @ gmail com) OR WhatsApp +1 (424) 283 6238 .He rendered me a personal service of cloning and entire cellphone within 12hours, I could moni more

Ninja-K #9

By: Christos Gage, Juan Jose Ryp
Released: Jul 18, 2018

The super team vs. super team smackdown you've been waiting for!

It all comes down to this! Ninjak - plus his black-ops backup squad of Livewire, Punk Mambo, Dr. Mirage, and GIN-GR - have been sent into Mexico City to destroy an indestructible target! But their quarry - The Jonin, the Ninja Programme's seemingly ageless former sensei - has...

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