martinalguy's Profile

Joined: Aug 29, 2014

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martinalguy rated Big Man Plans #2 Apr 16, 2015

Big Man Plans #2

By: Eric Powell
Released: Apr 8, 2015

Big Man, by knee-capping a guy with a drywall hatchet, begins his bloody road of revenge as more clues to his mysterious motivations are revealed.

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GI Zombie feels quite aware of a what a bizarre premise its offering, but it makes that much more fun. Example, GI Zombie in a basement when a bunch of grenades rolling down the stairs where they go off. Down the stairs come the bad guys telling themselves "no one could of survive that", when suddenly GI ZOMBIE pops out and eats these guy's throats.

See while this may be a weird concept more

Star-Spangled War Stories: G.I. Zombie #2

By: Justin Gray, Scott Hampton
Released: Aug 27, 2014

An undercover operation exposes a guided missile terrorist plot - and the only thing in its way is a zombie with an AK-47!

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martinalguy added Star-Spangled War Stories: G.I. Zombie to their pull list Aug 31, 2014

Star-Spangled War Stories: G.I. Zombie

Meet the soldier they call "G.I. ZOMBIE," a man who is neither dead nor alive, who fights for his country again...and again...and again!

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