Trillby's Profile

Joined: Sep 04, 2020

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Trillby posted on their own profile Sep 6, 2020

Just reviewed three comic books. I thought they were all relatively bad :)

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Trillby reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy #6 Sep 6, 2020

I haven't read Guardians of the Galaxy #1-5 so I had to learn as I went along.

I think there was an interesting concept for this issue with the idea of the therapy session and the way the narrative passed through some flashbacks, but overall it was kind of boring for me.

Probably not worth the €3.99 market price. I think these comic book production companies need to put mor more

Guardians of the Galaxy #6

By: Al Ewing, Marcio Takara
Released: Sep 2, 2020

• As old tensions explode in the far-off Earth System, the political map of the galaxy is redrawn.
•  Meanwhile, old friends and lovers must redraw the maps of themselves - or tear them up entirely.
•  He used to be the Human Rocket. Now he's the Human Wreck. Is there any coming back for Nova?

Rated T+

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Trillby reviewed Sword Master #10 Sep 6, 2020

I haven't read Sword Master #1-9 but I've just read this one now and it was kind of boring.

It was just one big fight really, not much plot at all. And also, considering that it's market price is €3.99, the book was way too short. I finished it in like 5 minutes. Kinda sucks that.

On the other hand I did quite like the art, however, though the main girl had a shirt on, it more

Sword Master #10

By: Shuizhu, Gunji
Released: Sep 2, 2020

•  LIN LIE and JI SHUANGSHUANG journey northwest to the ancestral headquarters of the Nuwa clan with Lin Lie's roommate CHENG at the wheel. But Shuang Shuang's homecoming is anything but peaceful.
•  Can Lin Lie master the SWORD OF FU XI in time to help save Shuangshuang's home from Chiyou's demon h...

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Trillby reviewed Black Widow #1 Sep 6, 2020

In terms of plot, I don't think this is anything special really. Nothing interesting really happened except for the few times that it made me say 'oh'.

That being said I thought the art was pretty good, especially on the page where (spoilers) she rides a motorcycle through the roads.

Overall, it wasn't that interesting but at least it wasn't long enough to overdue it's stay more

Black Widow #1

By: Kelly Thompson, Elena Casagrande
Released: Sep 2, 2020

Best-selling, Eisner-nominated writer Kelly Thompson (CAPTAIN MARVEL, STAR) and rising star artist Elena Casagrande (Catwoman) launch a new BLACK WIDOW series that changes everything! Natasha Romanoff has been a spy almost as long as she's been alive. And she's never stopped running, whether she was working for the good guys...or the bad. But Natas...

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