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Joined: Nov 01, 2020

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #5

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Nov 18, 2020

The Darkest Knight has won. With absolute power at the villain’s fingertips, Wonder Woman and the rest of the DC heroes are nothing to him. As the Darkest Knight turns his sights to his true goal, remaking the Multiverse in his image, can Earth’s heroes rally together to make a last stand?

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IronMonger rated Justice League #57 Nov 18, 2020

Justice League #57

By: Joshua Williamson, Xermanico
Released: Nov 18, 2020

“Doom Metal” part five of five! The Legion of Doom has been freed-and now they’re turning on their saviors-the Justice League! Teeth will gnash, knuckles will be bared, and Lex Luthor will make a decision that shocks everyone, including Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. The ending of this epic story leads directly into Dark Nights: Death Me...

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Infinite Hour Exxxtreme! #1

By: Becky Cloonan, Denys Cowan
Released: Nov 11, 2020

Pull up a chair, ya bastiches-it’s time for Uncle Lobo’s Infinite Hour! It’s your chance to let the Main Man Lobo-tomize you with familiar yet freaky stories of the DC Universe, exactly as he remembers them: with blood and guts and exxxtreme gratuitous violence! Tell yer comics guy to put you down for alllll the copies!

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IronMonger reviewed Iron Man #3 Nov 11, 2020

What can I say...Great...The art is just beautiful, it fits perfectly with the characters and the tone of the series, the colors are spectacular but everything works thanks to the story, I mean this is a perfect example of "reboot" I don´t know what Cantwell has prepared for HellCat in this series but the chemistry between Patsy and Tony is amazing I don´t know if Cantwell intends to develop som more

Iron Man #3

By: Christopher Cantwell, Cafu
Released: Nov 11, 2020

Tony Stark is getting tired of apologizing for being himself, especially when as Iron Man he's more powerful than most any other human being on Earth. As he wears himself out trying to do everything he can to be a force of good in the world, he's beginning to chafe at the idea that he really owes anybody anything. Is it too much to ask for a thank ...

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IronMonger rated Justice League #56 Nov 8, 2020

Justice League #56

By: Joshua Williamson, Robson Rocha
Released: Nov 4, 2020

“Doom Metal” part four of five! In this Dark Nights: Death Metal tie-in issue, the Justice League has nowhere left to hide from the agents of Perpetua. The towering, nightmarish Omega Knight hunts them to the edges of Brimstone Bay and will stop at nothing until the team is obliterated! And all the while, above Perpetua’s throne, Hawkgirl bat...

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IronMonger rated Iron Man #2 Nov 1, 2020

Iron Man #2

By: Christopher Cantwell, Cafu
Released: Oct 21, 2020

Tony Stark continues to roughly dismantle the fancy, shiny and sophisticated ways of his past... but the world doesn't seem quite convinced that he's changed his rich guy tune. As Iron Man, he takes the fight to the streets, looking to sacrifice himself on the altar of super heroism again and again-fi...

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IronMonger rated Iron Man #1 Nov 1, 2020

Iron Man #1

By: Christopher Cantwell, Cafu
Released: Sep 16, 2020

Tony Stark is looking to restart his engine. He decides he's going back to basics, putting away his high-tech toys and high-profile image so he can get his hands dirty again. It's time to dig into the guts of real machines, put on some old-fashioned metal and fly.
But can he really lay that Stark-sized ego down? Life isn't that s...

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