radiocomicsescapist's Profile

Joined: Jan 12, 2021

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Really fun and topical story

Superman vs. Lobo #1

By: Sarah Beattie, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Aug 25, 2021

What happens when an indomitable force meets an irritating object? That’s what readers find out when Superman runs into Lobo. Think of it like a boy scout joining a biker gang. What will be worse, the damage Lobo causes on his own, or the chaos of trying to stop him? I smell a team-up, fanboys! Numen is the most popular being in the universe, a g...

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Main Superman (or should I say Clark Kent) story is the best of the bunch, with a great way to catch us up to speed on how Earth is handling his disappearance and how they view him post "death."

Backup issues are hit-or-miss. I enjoyed Mister Miracle, especially for the art. Midnighter dragged on a bit too long, and the Black Racer story would have benefited from being longer.

Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #1

By: Jeremy Adams, Valentine De Landro
Released: Jan 20, 2021

This monumental Future State title features four big stories! First, Clark Kent is gone, leaving a Superman-shaped hole behind. People gather in Smallville to celebrate their hero, little realizing that he is across the galaxy helping others. Superman has gone to Warworld, where he fights as a gladiator in the deadly pits of Mongul. But this is Sup...

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Premise was an interesting mix of cosmic and mythical.

Expected more team up between Supes and WW. It brought up a difference in how these two heroes approach crime-fighting, and I wish it explored that more. But all-in-all, a breezy story.

Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman #1

By: Dan Watters, Leila Del Duca
Released: Jan 13, 2021

The sun has set on the heroes of the past, and a new age is dawning! As two arrogant gods challenge one another to a contest of strength, Superman and Wonder Woman are forced to take action to save their cities from the chaos. Together, Jonathan Kent and Yara Flor, man of science and woman of myth, have the potential to become something powerful, b...

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