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Joined: Apr 03, 2021

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Magneto28 rated Fantastic Four #10 Apr 3, 2021

Fantastic Four #10

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Released: Jan 9, 1963

Dr. Doom kidnaps Reed and uses special technology to switches bodies with him. When the rest of the FF suspects nothing, Doom begins his plan to destroy the Fantastic Four from within! Written by Stan Lee with art by Jack Kirby!

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Journey Into Mystery #85

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Released: Sep 26, 1962

Trapped by Loki, God of Mischief
Thor, the God of Thunder, versus Loki, Thor's evil half-brother and God of Mischief! Plus, the very first appearance of Asgard!

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Journey Into Mystery #83

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Released: Jul 25, 1962

The Power of Thor
The debut of Thor! A new age begins as the Odinson starts his divine campaign against the forces of evil!

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Magneto28 rated Incredible Hulk #1 Apr 3, 2021

Incredible Hulk #1

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Released: May 9, 1962

Is he a man, monster or both? It's the Incredible Hulk, born of a gamma blast that scientist Bruce Banner was caught in.

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Magneto28 rated Tales to Astonish #35 Apr 3, 2021

Tales to Astonish #35

By: Various

Ant-Man and his Pym Particles are back! And this time he's recruiting an entire army of ants!

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Magneto28 rated Amazing Spider-Man #2 Apr 3, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man #2

By: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
Released: May 8, 1963

"Duel to the Death with the Vulture"
A new criminal dressed as a vulture is terrorizing New York City. J. Jonah Jameson wants pictures for an article in NOW magazine. Peter decides that if he can take pictures of the Vultures, he could sell them to JJJ to help out his Aunt May.

"The Uncanny Threat of the Terrible Tinkerer"

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Magneto28 rated Amazing Spider-Man #1 Apr 3, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man #1

By: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
Released: Mar 6, 1963

Contains two amazing stories!
Spider-Man: Freak! Public Menace!
Peter Parker tries to continue a show biz career as Spider-Man, yet J. Jonah Jameson's editorials slamming him as a menace makes it hard to find work.

Spider-Man vs. the Chameleon!
The criminal Chameleon breaks into a military building dressed as Spi...

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Magneto28 rated Fantastic Four #9 Apr 3, 2021

Fantastic Four #9

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Released: Dec 5, 1962

When the Fantastic Four announce bankruptcy, the Sub-Mariner offers them 1 million dollars to star in his own movie. As shooting begins, the team quickly learns that they've been tricked into fighting real foes, including the Sub-Mariner himself! Words and art by the legendary Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

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Magneto28 rated Fantastic Four #5 Apr 3, 2021

Fantastic Four #5

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Released: Jul 4, 1962

Prisoners of Doctor Doom!
The Fantastic Four are captured by the ruthless Dr. Doom. With Sue as his hostage, Doom sends the rest of the team back in time to recover the legendary Blackbeard's treasure!

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Magneto28 rated Fantastic Four #4 Apr 3, 2021

Fantastic Four #4

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Released: May 9, 1962

The Coming of the Sub-Mariner!
Out on his own, Johnny encounters and helps restore the memory of a fallen hero, the Namor the Sub-Mariner! When Namor returns to his undersea kingdom and finds it decimated, he assumes the surface world is the cause and unleashes a powerful monster onto New York City and the Fantastic Four.

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Magneto28 rated Fantastic Four #2 Apr 3, 2021

Fantastic Four #2

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Released: Jan 10, 1962

Meet the Skrulls from Outer Space!
After their reputation is tarnished by shape shifting aliens known as the Skrulls, the Fantastic Four must clear their name. And if that wasn't enough, our heroes learn the Skrulls are planning a full-scale invasion of Earth!

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Magneto28 rated Fantastic Four #1 Apr 3, 2021

Fantastic Four #1

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Released: Nov 8, 1961

The Fantastic Four!
Meet Marvel's First Family: Mr. Fantastic, the Invisible Girl, the Human Torch, and The Thing. In this first issue, the FF must confront the menace known as the Mole Man and his giant underground monsters, as they attack atomic plants all over the world.

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