JPSmith's Profile

Joined: May 29, 2021

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JPSmith reviewed Contraband #1 May 30, 2021

Love tech, hate social media so downloaded it from drivethrucomics. Not what I expected. Longer, way darker, big twist at the end like Fight Club. Tucker is a MIND f***. Took two days but it's pretty good. Ordered one for my brother. Wired, Broken Frontiers reviews are kind of old but this guy gets it:

Contraband #1

By: Thomas J Behe, Phil Elliott
Released: May 5, 2021

When a hacker shifts a social media apps' control to any creator of its top-ranked video, rampant violence and privacy invasion ensues - as people everywhere chase the money, fame and power of being number one. Contraband follows a self-styled citizen journalist forced to hunt down an activist sabotaging a ruthless entrepreneur’s dark web ...

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JPSmith added Contraband to their pull list May 30, 2021


When a hacker shifts a social media apps' control to any creator of its top-ranked video, rampant violence and privacy invasion ensues - as people everywhere chase the money, fame and power of being number one. Contraband follows a self-styled citizen journalist forced to hunt down an activist sabotaging a ruthless entrepreneur’s dark web ...

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