Contraband #1
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Contraband #1

Writer: Thomas J Behe Artist: Phil Elliott Publisher: Markosia Enterprises Release Date: May 5, 2021 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

When a hacker shifts a social media apps' control to any creator of its top-ranked video, rampant violence and privacy invasion ensues - as people everywhere chase the money, fame and power of being number one. Contraband follows a self-styled citizen journalist forced to hunt down an activist sabotaging a ruthless entrepreneur’s dark web social media app.  His search leads him into a voyeur underground where profit-hungry youths prowl city streets secretly inciting, staging and filming violent events to satisfy society’s demand for sensational content…

  • 7.0
    ComicBuzz - Vixen Ninetails May 21, 2021

    This comic has raised some frightening but real live occurrences that need to be addressed. The Dark Web is real, it needs to be monitored and legislation, protocols and technology needs to be improved upon to better contain & immobilise it. This title has brought forth a topic that many may not have been aware of up to now, but it has gained the spotlight so it can be addressed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    JPSmith May 30, 2021

    Love tech, hate social media so downloaded it from drivethrucomics. Not what I expected. Longer, way darker, big twist at the end like Fight Club. Tucker is a MIND f***. Took two days but it's pretty good. Ordered one for my brother. Wired, Broken Frontiers reviews are kind of old but this guy gets it:

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