Lucas Lopes dos Santos's Profile

Joined: Jul 30, 2021

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Lucas Lopes dos Santos is now following Adrián Morgades Aug 12, 2021

Adrián Morgades

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DC / Looney Tunes: Martian Manhunter/Marvin the Martian #1

By: Steve Orlando, Jerome K. Moore
Released: Jun 14, 2017

Martian Manhunter tries to halt Marvin the Martian's determination for world domination. J'onn is conflicted with his own Martian identity as he attempts to stop the hapless, determined Marvin from blowing Earth to bits in order to gain a clear view of Venus. And the bonus Looney Tunes backup story features DC characters written by Jim Fanning with...

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The Man of Steel #6

By: John Byrne

Clark Kent's childhood sweetheart Lana Lang is back in Smallville, and the Man of Steel decides to pay her a visit. In the process, Clark learns the truth of his home planet of Krypton and the life his people led--but what does it mean for his future on Earth?

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The Man of Steel #5

By: John Byrne

Lex Luthor scans Superman's cellular and molecular structure, enabling one of his scientists to create a being with strength, powers and memories almost equal to Superman. Superman meets his match when Bizarro arrives in Metropolis!

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The Man of Steel #4

By: John Byrne

Lois and Clark go on a cruise that gets hijacked--a cruise that also includes the power-mad business mogul Lex Luthor! Witness the birth of the Man of Steel's ultimate arch-rival as John Byrne's new take on Superman's early days continues!

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The Man of Steel #3

By: John Byrne

Superman heads to Gotham City and finds himself at odds with the brutal--and oftentimes unlawful--methods Batman uses to fight crime when the Dark Knight tricks Superman into helping him by putting an innocent life on the line!

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The Man of Steel #2

By: John Byrne

Lois Lane drives off a pier in order to get Superman's attention so she can interview him for the Daily Planet. In addition, Superman writes his first story for the Metropolitan newspaper, leading to the meeting of Lois and Clark!

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The Man of Steel #1

By: John Byrne

Superman enters the post-CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS age with this limited series by superstar John Byrne introducing an all-new origin tale that gives a completely different take on the early days of the Man of Steel and his home planet of Krypton!

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