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Joined: May 04, 2013

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jjzgamer reviewed Saga #12 May 4, 2013

Saga has been so good for so long that there had to be a snag. I had wondered what happened to Prince Robot IV, but, as other reviews point out, he is just not that interesting a character. The lack of a face, his lack of demeanor and lack of any real personality other than his PTSD just makes it hard to care. He's not a bad character, but he is not yet a compelling one.

As for the cont more

Saga #12

By: Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples
Released: Apr 10, 2013

Prince Robot IV makes his move.

+ LikeComments (1)
Ultimate Goblin - Mar 4, 2023

Needless is the right word. That was just an adult content for the sake of adult content...

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