jjzgamer's Profile

Joined: May 04, 2013

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Overall Rating
Saga #12

May 4, 2013

Saga has been so good for so long that there had to be a snag. I had wondered what happened to Prince Robot IV, but, as other reviews point out, he is just not that interesting a character. The lack of a face, his lack of demeanor and lack of any real personality other than his PTSD just makes it hard to care. He's not a bad character, but he is not yet a compelling one. As for the controversy, while also admitting that I found it grotesque as the sex scene in the previous issue, it just felt like it added nothing. So Prince Robot IV thinks about gay porn when he sustains life threatening wounds? It's just...strange and kind of needless. It's still well drawn and overall well written (though it feels like every character talks the same), but this is not the strong issue we were hoping. At least the final page offers promise.

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